I finally went and bought a wig and shaved what was left.I can't believe how free I feel.I was dreading it and then when it came off I couldn't believe how good I feel. I feel like this is a new chapter in my life and I don't care who looks and what they think. You have all helped me make this choice ,when I look at the pics I can only see the beauty in your faces .Thank you for posting and I will definatly be involved next july . We should try and do something in the melbourne /orlando area,lets take over a park somewhere and show the world we don't care if we don't have hair IT DOSN'T DEFINE US

Views: 9

Comment by Angela on October 4, 2009 at 11:23am
Hi Linda:

I admire your courage. I too finally received my wig and have been wearing it to work and out for special occasion. Any other time I just wear a hat or scarf because I still have some hair around the edges and back of my head. I would like your advice. I have been debating on shaving or cutting the rest of the long hairs so that they are closer to the length of the hairs growing back (it always grows back but keeps falling out elsewhere) but just not sure if I will regret loosing that illusion of having a full hed of hair when I wear a hat. But right now it looks nasty - I call it my accidental mullet :)
Comment by linda carraway on October 4, 2009 at 1:28pm
I had the same thoughts but mine was so thin and several different colors and I didn't even want to go in the kitchen I keep finding hair everywhere. I just said the heck with it. It does feel different and still wierd when I look in the mirror but when I got up this morinng I couldn't believe how good I felt. I feel like I have a fresh start we'll see what happens Linda
Comment by linda carraway on October 5, 2009 at 4:18pm
I went the pool today and wore a hat and scarf . DOn't want to get sunburn!! I talked to a friend of mine about making some scarfs and turbins out of some cute material . Everything I find is too nylony and won't stay on and the turbins are hidious. shes www.lovejill.esty.com check her out and let me know if anyone would be interested. She can make anything!!!
Comment by Mary on October 5, 2009 at 5:02pm
Congratulations, Linda!!! Freedom feels great!
Comment by ABonita Scarf on October 6, 2009 at 2:31pm
I love on Merritt Island FL, I lost all my hair 5 yrs ago due to cancer and my chemo treatments but I always had very thin hair. It did grow back thicker at first but now is thinnner than ever! I wear my scarves that snap and my old wigs when I feel like looking younger. Check out the MARKETPLACE tab on this website and you can see business owners providing goods to those with hair loss that have been through hair loss themself. I am one of them! I would like to donate one of my ABONITASCARF's for a drawing if there ever is a bald girls do lunch in the Orlando area, I live only 45 minutes from Orlando. Pleae let me know if it is going to happen!
Comment by Natalie on October 6, 2009 at 5:29pm
COngrats Linda!! That is exactly how I felt since I shaved my head in April. I am the absolute happiest I have been in a very long time. I am so happy for you :D Keep smiling!


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