You know all of my posts and questions about the dating world and what to do with my wig and how do I tell him and how getting rejected really hurts....well, all of the time that I waited to find the right man has paid off.

I met Tom online and on my dating profile I listed about my alopecia because I wasn't going to hide anything. Right off the bat he was very accepting and supportive. He has been so wonderful! We have been dating just over a month and he has seen me with my wig and without my wig. He continues to tell me how I am so beautiful and sexy and that he loves me just the way that I am!

What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful man! So I just wanted to put it out there to those girls who are still trying to find Mr. Right, he is out there, just keep the faith!

I am sorry that I haven't been on AW as much lately, but I wanted to share my great news with everyone! I will try and blog more soon!

P.S. I am involved in the local chapter of the Children's Alopecia Project and it is so great to be able to help the kids and the parents deal with alopecia. The kids have also helped me with my confidence too, it is amazing!

Views: 209

Comment by AngelGirl on August 1, 2012 at 8:09am

Congratulations! It is so encouraging to hear stories like this. Thank you so much for posting!

Comment by Julie G on August 1, 2012 at 8:19am

Thanks ladies!! Last night he told me that he loved me too..I am so happy!

Comment by kymkym on August 2, 2012 at 5:42pm
Congratulations. I wish you the best.
Comment by moonflower on August 2, 2012 at 11:25pm

Congrats to you!!!

Comment by Amber on August 3, 2012 at 12:11am
How wonderful! So happy for you. All my best to you and Mr. Right :)
Comment by Judy 1612 on August 3, 2012 at 4:04am

That's so good to hear Julie. Hopefully others will find the same.

Comment by Shelly on August 4, 2012 at 8:26pm

Good to hear, as I'm now entering the dating world & have debated on what to do.


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