Well, I went on Friday for my surgery to have the skin cancer removed from my scalp. Everything went well, it only took one layer to be cut away and I have no stitches. Much better than the alternative!

So now, I am just going to have to be very careful in the sun, not that my scalp is going to be exposed because it will be covered by a hat, bandana or wig. But just have to be careful in general.

So remember to always use your sunscreen, cover up in the sun and take care of yourselves!

And even though breast cancer awareness month was October, always remember to take care of your girls too!

Hope all is well with everyone! Sorry I haven't been on lately!


Views: 28

Comment by Pat on November 2, 2011 at 6:49am
I'm glad to hear there's been no major damage. Skin cancers can be extremely serious you must be very relieved.


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