How the hell does that happen?
I felt great postng my nee photos of myself to show who I really am, but today I feel OMG what the hell was I thinking??
I woke up this morning had my shower looked in the mirror and all of a sudden I felt like sigorney weavor in Aliens and I was so disapointed in myself. I hve asked myself what did I ever do to deserve this? am I being punished for something wrong I have done?
Good Lord I hate these feelings I just want to wak up everyday and feel goood EVERYDAY and not just sometimes.

Sad Lisa today

Views: 3

Comment by Tallgirl on April 8, 2011 at 9:57am
Lisa Lisa, Sad Lisa Lisa,
I wear a pretty scarf to bed, keep warm while sleeping, and wake up to a me that looks like one of my ethnic ancestors. Try it. It makes the mirror image more like grandma than grandpa! You can also put a scarf OVER a big mirror until you wash the face and put on make-up in a hand mirror or compact (2" x 3" at a time).
Ms. Totalis
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 8, 2011 at 8:13pm
Aaww. Lisa.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Expect some bad days, but I do promise they do get further apart. I'm 7 mos. into being bald and there has been many days in the first few months that I found it tough to look in the mirror. Read my blog "i am in love" and hang in there. ((HUGS))
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 8, 2011 at 8:15pm
Comment by Mary on April 9, 2011 at 9:51am
I know how you feel (and I love the reference to a beautiful Cat Stevens song, TG)

Lisa, for many months, I went back and forth between feeling okay about my bald look, to hating it. I'd look in the mirror and start crying again. But, those bad days slowly became fewer. We put a couple of nice photos of me bald up around our house, so I'd see them and not just the ones with the "old me". I came through the difficult adjustment period of a number of months, and today I'm honestly fine with how I look. I feel unique, attractive, and normal like this. Sure, I want my hair back. But I've come through a dark time and life goes on...just without hair. Take care and just take it a day at a time. Mary


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