It's been a roller coaster ride with my alopecia over the last 6 weeks. After the fourth visit to the dermatologist, I went to my hometown for 3 weeks. Around that time my biggest bald patch (the size of a matchbox) was not showing any regrowth and the others (7-8 small ones) were all showing some fuzzy growth. But 3 weeks at home did me some good. (Was it the lack of stress because of being away from office? Makes me wonder if stress was my trigger. Lately work pressure has been giving me hell). Not only did the small patches show good growth, even the bigger patch finally started having regrowth, though even the regrowth was patchy, but it had started nonetheless.

On my 5th visit, upon returning here I got what I then hoped was my last steroid shot. Over the next 3 weeks I'm having good regrowth in all the small patches and the biggest patch is now almost 60% covered with new hair. Once they grow big enough it'll be able to hide the rest of it atleast.

I'd been happy with the regrowth until last week I noticed a new small patch on the top of my scalp. It's pretty small and not noticeable (yet!) but its clearly an AA patch with no hair at all. It's not possible for me to describe how frustrating this is. Just when I was almost certain that things might finally be getting back to "normal" and I might be able to come out of this horrible phase of my life things have suddenly taken a downturn again.

I'm not sure how my dermatologist will react when I visit him tomorrow. Will I be getting another shot? 6 shots are simply too much and more than 6 are never given anyway. More updates tomorrow.

Views: 67

Comment by Tallgirl on December 5, 2011 at 2:08pm

Welcome to alopecia. Been there. This is how it goes for many of us. I now have AT, so now I know what it will be for the rest of my life at this age. No more roller coaster.


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