Okay, okay!! I know I haven't been here much at all over the past few months but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. You know how it is, life just keeps handing you more and more until your hands are so full then suddenly you're 3 years old again having to keep picking up the same darn ball you keep dropping (which is incredibly funny to watch however very frustrating to experience - especially when you realize what's going on).

I moved at the end of March so it's basically been 3 months since I've spent much time online other than facebook. The first month and a bit I was sharing a house with two university students which was the first time I've ever shared my living space with strangers. It was interesting to say the least. The girls were very nice, one was from Trinidad and the other from Pakistan and they loved to blast their bollywood music. It was a cultural experience that I'm happy to have experienced but am equally glad to have my own living space again. It's taken some time for me to begin to feel comfortable in my new home. Coming from a dumpy apartment, living in an actual house has been freeing however I am finding that I do have to ask for help with certain things that I'm not used to having to do. I'll get there. I don't miss the four flights of stairs from the apartment for one. I have my own laundry machines now, a huge backyard, gardens, a basement and have recently become the owner of a '98 Ford Contour.

On the subject of dating, I've been on several dates since the New Year and the alopecia hasn't been much of a concern. I haven't gotten to the point of calling anyone a boyfriend however I think that's partially my fault. I have high standards but also seem to push anyone away if they get too close. I'm not sure if that's because I'm subconsciously afraid to get hurt or if it's simply due to the fact that I'm becoming independant and am enjoying some free time. Regardless, I can find some patience and wait for the right one to come along and may adjust standards as I see fit along the way.

I also went white water rafting in Ottawa for the first time. On the first day we took a 12 man raft down the main channel and went cliff diving along the way. Normally I'm scared to death of heights but I faced my fears and jumped (mind you it really did make a difference once I took my glasses off cause I couldn't tell if the water was 5 or 30 feet away). Our second day was spend paddling a 6 man raft and we went body surfing. The body surfing was far scarier than the cliff diving to my surprise as I'm floating along and am suddenly pulled and forced under the current. The power of water should NEVER be underestimated! It was a blast though and a group of us have decided to make it an annual event. For the month of June I've been undergoing what is considered major surgery when done all at once however my plan doesn't cover me in that aspect so it's been a bit by bit thing. Once or twice a week I've been getting work done and I've been relatively uncomfortable and out of sorts. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though and I'm about halfway done.

The biggest thing that's happened to me over the last few months is my dedication to Jesus Christ. Miracles do happen and in strange ways which is how I ended up taking my profession of faith. My daughters were baptized as well but of their own accord. It was a very special day! It was the first time I had actually gone into church without something on my head and for those that know me you're probably thinking: "don't you go everywhere bald??" The answer is yes however church for some reason was a barrier. After my last job I kind of took a step back and became slightly paranoid about people judging me and affecting how I'm treated. Trust is a hard thing to earn back - especially from society - after it's been broken so obviously and blatantly. I found with my new church family though, it didn't matter and everyone was perfectly fine with my head. Most of my speech to the congregation was about how I rejected God in the first place because he refused to answer my prayers about giving me my hair back. I obviously lost my hair for a reason and needed to learn something and would never have become who I am today had I not contracted alopecia. I sang a beautiful song as well and have since been asked to sing at some of the services.

So, in a nutshell, that's what's been going on for the last little bit in my life. Unfortunately I was not able to make it to this year's NAAF conference and will miss out on meeting a whole bunch of beautiful people that I've come to know and love online. I was considering going for next year but it's in LA and I'm not so sure that works for me but you never know. If I feel compelled to go next year, there's always fundraising!! God has the final word in directing me and the gifts he's given me to share with the world. Anyways, thanks for reading my little rant and if you see me online feel free to chat with me or leave a message on my page - I'm ready, willing and able to jump back into my game!! :D

Views: 4

Comment by Tony on June 22, 2010 at 5:11am
Welcome back Carol. We've missed you...


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