It seemed like my AA was taking a vacation as I hadn't noticed any new bald patches for quite some time. And then BAM over the last week I've lost a LOT of hair. I woke up last Thursday with two partial eyebrows, so I shaved the rest. I have also lost a lot of body hair, which feels weird (I was pretty hairy). My clothes actually feel different. I am trying hard not to let this rule my life, but I have found myself leaving the house less. I'm single and unemployed and really don't want to fall into the trap of self imposed isolation. Friends and family have been supportive. Not being recognized by people you know is weird....

Views: 5

Comment by Carol on January 8, 2010 at 6:14pm
I'm happy to hear that your family has been supportive, that's important. Also the fact that you recognize that you could isolate yourself is important because if you are aware of it then it's less likely to happen. My transition between stages was so slow that I never had much of a problem with my clothes feeling different but I can see how that could happen. I myself, think it's hilarious when my friends don't recognize me because I decided to wear a wig when I normally run around bald but I've had far more time to learn how to cope. As you go I'm sure you will find positives about having alopecia such as not having to shave and looking youthful but everyone has their own timeline. If you are concerned about depression it may be a good idea to mention that to your doctor but by all means don't be afraid to get out and meet people or look for work. You'll find that if you are prepared to answer people's questions about your hairloss that they are generally quite understanding and accepting and that's only if they even notice in the first place. Not that I'm you or anything but I'd go and buy some awesome shades to wear when I'm out and about - kind of like Dumbo's feather gave him confidence until he learned he could fly without it. ;)
Comment by Victor on January 8, 2010 at 6:36pm
Thanks. I've been doing the hat and shades thing when appropriate. Shades don't really work at the gym or at night and there aren't many daylight hours this time of year. I think I'm coping rather well, but the fact that I could wind up permanently hairless hasn't quite sunk in :)
Comment by Anna Thomas on January 8, 2010 at 6:38pm
I'm sorry to hear about your situation... I lost all the hair on my head and also my body in literally one month... maybe even a little less and I can honestly say that was the hardest thing I've ever been through. Can't even begin to describe the amount of tears I shed. It is definitely a huge shock losing your hair and it is easy to feel like no one could ever understand what you're going through! Feel free to message me or whatever if you want- I feel your pain. I have been feeling very alone and depressed as well.
Comment by Carol on January 8, 2010 at 6:39pm
I'm going on 32 years now of being hairless so if you ever have any questions or feel like you want to chat just give me a holler!
PS I think you look great without hair!
Comment by Victor on January 8, 2010 at 7:00pm
Thanks Carol. So do you!
Comment by JeffreySF on January 10, 2010 at 11:37am
Hi Victor,

I know how difficult this is.
I lost all my hair in 3 months and people I knew for years did not recognize me. It was the strangest thing.

Comment by Joy on January 10, 2010 at 12:44pm
Hi Victor
I'm sorry you are going through a difficult time. you definitely have support here. i know how hard it is to lose your story is a little different. I've been losing mine slowly for a few years now and at times it feels like torture. I am down to 30-40% of the hair i had with no sign of it stopping. I think any kind of hair loss can be traumatic....just know you are not alone!!
Comment by Victor on January 11, 2010 at 4:00pm
Thanks all. I'm trying to stay positive and this site helps. Went to a small party on Saturday night. Had to explain what AA is about 30 times which is annoying but I guess explaining it is better than having people think I'm undergoing chemo (which most people assume is the deal, I guess). I'm 42 so I have plenty of bald male peers (a few of who indulged in some gentle ribbing). In fact my head hair was receding a bit prior to this drastic loss.
Comment by Andrea on January 11, 2010 at 4:10pm
Hi Victor, I do understand the rather dramatic loss. In the space of about 3 months I went from having hair that people talked about to 80-90% loss. I have a realistic hope of it returning as it is associated with my health and when that gets under control, my doctor is confident that I will get my hair back. But still it changes your self image. I didn't recognize myself in a mirror, and certainly no one recognized me. I will say that you rock the bald look!
Comment by Stephanie on January 11, 2010 at 7:38pm
Hi Victor
I know its hard to stay positive. I lost my hair over a long period of time. Finally went bald in October 2008. It look me a LONG time to accept my situation, and even longer for me to share my situation with others because of the reaction I've gotten, but try to stay strong. I know its much easier said than done though. But you do look VERY handsome!!!


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