Hey everyone,

Thanks for the warm welcome. This site is great even though I haven't posted until now, I've been checking the site out and it has been a valuable support and learning tool.
I was just diagnosed with AA at the end of August. Since last month I've kept my head shaved as there's not enough hair left to do anything with. I am really not used to or digging the bald look yet, especially since my hair is dark and my skin is white. Regardless of how close I shave, It still has the swiss cheese/crater thing going on.
Over the past few days I've been researching wigs for men and if anything, it's only made me more confused. I've noticed a few guys wear wigs on the site, but I haven't found any groups that discuss wigs for men. I've found other hair replacement sites with lots of info and it's helped me weigh the pros and cons, but I'm really unsure if that's the route I should take. I'm currently unemployed and a good full cap is expensive. Then if I get it and don't like it, I'm out four hundred dollars or more.
Just looking for any advice or guidance from anyone in the same situation.


Views: 17

Comment by Julia McDowell on December 18, 2009 at 5:25am
If I were a guy, I'd go for the bald look. Welcome to the site, and hope you find friendship and support here!
Comment by Mary on December 18, 2009 at 12:27pm
Welcome to the site, Victor. I agree with Julia...I'm totally hairless and can't stand wearing a wig, so I go bald everywhere. I wish I could be as inconspicuous as a bald guy. Sometimes I'm sitting in a restaurant and see 4 or 5 nice-looking men with bald heads, and nobody is staringat them. I get asked all the time in restaurants and other public places what kind of cancer I have, but I doubt that bald men ever get asked.

Whatever you decide, just remember that you are not your hair. With or without hair, you're still the same person.
Comment by Mary on December 18, 2009 at 12:49pm
Right, Rock. And, Victor...think of all the handsome bald men that are used as models in ads and commercials, and who you see in leading man roles on TV. Every time I see another, I wish that they would JUST ONCE put a bald woman in a sexy role (and not have her going through chemo!)

This isn't to minimize your loss or say that it isn't understandable that you're upset. Hang in there.
Comment by Cal on December 18, 2009 at 12:53pm
Bald women definitely get a lot more attention than bald men, but that doesn't automatically make it any easier for you to experience losing your hair, I know.

From my own recent forays into wigdom, I would say the idea of wearing a wig and the practicality of wearing a wig are often two very different things. I like the idea of blending in at times and of being able to change my hairstyle and colour on a whim, but, at the cheaper end of the market at any rate, they are not the most comfortable things you can wear on your head and I'm currently doing battle with the fit of one of mine.

I think that if you're unsure, don't waste your money. I only bought mine for a very specific rare event (spending time in my family's home town, a place I would feel most uncomfortable as a bald woman) and don't plan on wearing them that often. And, having now worn them a couple of times, I can say I'm highly unlikely to bother on anything like a daily basis. If I was a man, I really don't think I'd bother at all, to be honest.


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