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Cal's Discussions

Wig sizing question

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cal Dec 18, 2009. 6 Replies

Is the only measurement most wigs are sized by the circumference of your head? I ask because my two new wigs are fine in terms of the width of my head, but if I pull them down to fit properly over…Continue

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I'm 31, Scottish but living in Bristol and am bald (mostly) and proud. I'd had teeny patches of AA in times of stress since my teens but they never grew bigger than a 10p piece and they always grew back in time. A patch appeared in April 09 when I was in a horrible job but I didn't think much of it. It continued to grow and I was a little concerned, but not especially freaking out. Then, in September 09 I had a severe kidney infection and, while I was in hospital, I noticed rather more hair on my pillow than there should have been. Within two weeks of getting out of hospital, the patch at the back got new friends who joined up ophiasis stylee and I was scared and ashamed and living in hats and freaking the hell out. So, on 24 October 2009 I shaved my head. Right down as short as the clippers would take it. Since then it has got very sparse everywhere apart from the crown of my head and I am also in receipt of a free, gradual waxing process. Which I suppose isn't all bad, not having to shave my legs, armpits or, ahem, other areas is quite nice.

I only wear hats for the cold and am still undecided about getting a wig. I get compliments on my appearance enough to make me wonder if I really need to bother with one, frankly. I work with people who accept my looks as they are and have lovely friends and, luckily, live in a city with a pretty bohemian vibe, so bald women are no weirder looking than some of the other interesting local citizens.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
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Yes - I am 18 or older

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Cal's Blog

Wigs, redux

Posted on December 18, 2009 at 5:17pm 8 Comments

My wigs are trimmed and styled (and in one case resized; much easier than I had anticipated and much assisted by the support and advice of Meg and Thea - thank you so much!) and ready to go!

Can't say I was overly impressed with the hairdresser who did them, though. I was left waiting for 25 minutes - for which she didn't apologise - and then she was just a bit, well, offhand with me. I had expected someone who could empathise with hairloss, maybe be a bit supportive. But it was just… Continue

Look ma, hair!

Posted on December 12, 2009 at 5:55am 9 Comments

I have wigs! My amazing friend and I went wig shopping yesterday and, since they were so cheap for stuff that felt not half bad (they're both made from Kanekalon and are oh, so so shiny), I got two. One sleek asymmetric crop/bob and one shoulder length layered style with a fringe. They both need to be trimmed, which I'm having done on Friday by a salon I found through Trevor Sorbie's My New Hair project. The fringe on the longer one reaches somewhere near my nose when I wear it right and… Continue


Posted on December 6, 2009 at 1:05pm 7 Comments

I had planned to buy a wig, not a pricey one or anything that I'd wear every day, just one to get me through a week at home over Christmas. I'm mostly OK with being bald in public where I live now; it's a pretty laid back city and I work in a very bohemian shop. But my family live in a very small insular little town (from whence I gleefully escaped earlier this year) and the thought of going out bald there gives me a whole body shudder. I'm pretty confident, but not that confident and I… Continue

Ups and downs, highs and lows

Posted on November 30, 2009 at 1:24pm 5 Comments

I'm feeling a bit blue at the moment and I'm not entirely sure why. I was so relieved when I shaved my head, over a month ago now. I loved having taken control and I loved getting compliments and standing out. But now I'm feeling like I can't really be arsed with it and that I'm not sure I like how I look bald. Maybe it's just that I'm dog tired generally (bring on the christmas holidays - I can't wait), I don't know, but I'm considering getting a wig and wearing it sometimes when I just want… Continue

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At 1:53pm on May 22, 2010, nalini bhat said…
Hi,sorry it took so long.I have some wig caps that are too large on top of the crown of my head and they bunch up.My email address is,if you have some photos of what you did with your wigs.After I am done,I will be happy to share my handiwork with you.I sew a little and need an idea on how to make a wig cap larger or smaller without ruining it.I plan to start with an old wig and go from there.Thanks for any help that you can give me.
At 5:40am on December 14, 2009, MiNAH said…
I thought I had added you some time ago.
Oh well...just wish to let you know that you look fantastic with your sleek look.
I also love going without head covering, as it's the real me,
At 5:58pm on November 17, 2009, Roger said…
A late welcome from me =)

At 12:01pm on November 17, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Cal,

I'm glad you are liking it here.
You sound like you have a great handle on your alopecia.

At 8:44pm on November 16, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Cal,

Came across your page today and wanted to say hello and welcome to Alopecia World.

At 3:30pm on November 16, 2009, Mary said…
Hi Cal. Yes, it would be great to have a National Bald Out Day event in your part of England! As you can see from the NBO Group postings, this event is a grass roots thing - people can start a discussion within the Group about their location, and see if anyone responds and wants to participate. You could start a discussion for your area.

In addition to people organizing local group events to raise public awareness, my original idea for the Bald Out was that on this one day, individual women would give going out bald a try - I imagined bald heads popping out all over the place, sending a powerful message that not every bald woman has cancer!

By the way, I lived in Norwich for a year, 1989-90, and still have friends in England.

All the best,
At 7:14pm on October 28, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Cal!
How are you doing today?


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