Hair, are you there? Please come out! c:

So, like a few months ago, I went to a dermatalogist and the doctor lady was pretty cool. She told me like a summary about alopecia (which I already knew, but I didn't tell her otherwise), and she also said that there wasn't any magical cures yet. I really admired her for telling it like it is and not buttering it up. I liked that. What I really thought was awesome is that she prescribed me some lotion type thing. Like, I'm supposed to rub or massage some onto my head then like a rash type thing forms then the hair is supposed to 'spring up'. She described it more formal but that's all I really remember. I haven't started it yet because I've been a little nervous (okay, okay maybe a lot nervous) and I didn't want to start it yet until I about totes sure I was ready to commit to this lotion type thing. Cause I think it's supposed to be applied daily. Anyway, so, in like three days, I go on spring vacation for a week and I thought, "Yeee, I can do it then." I'm really excited actually. Except I'm only going to apply it on a small section of my head cause I don't know how 'drastic' the rash is going to get. :3 but yeah, fingers crossed! -Jackie Miranda xxx

Views: 57

Comment by You can do it : ) on April 5, 2012 at 2:19pm

Good luck, keep us posted


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