Before I found my first spot a month and a half ago I was having migraines lethargic nauseated and dizzy/light headed. I still feel that way to the point sometimes I can barely make it through the day because I am so tired. Is that normal? Is there something else wrong with me? I have wondered about lupus and my husband thinks I need to take gluten out of my diet. He is tired of coming home to a lethargic wive. I just don't know if this is part of the AA or what? Please tell me your experience. I don't have a clue. My derm said call me in three months if it doesn't stop and the other stuff is for a MD.

Views: 100

Comment by Barbie on August 26, 2013 at 7:19pm
Hi Mindy,
Auto immune disorders do tend to run together. I had a similar exhaustion experience (but not the dizziness). Turns out I had celiac disease which is an allergy to gluten. I also have thyroid disease. With all this being said it may be a good idea to get tested for other auto immune disorders. Life is much easier when you know what causes your body to act in such ways.
Comment by Kimberly Grise on August 29, 2013 at 9:59am
I'm tired all the time too. Comes and goes. Since forever. And I've been bald forever.
Comment by Michelle on August 29, 2013 at 10:43pm

I am tired a lot too. Not sure if it's related to my AA or not. Hard to know for sure.

Comment by amym on October 17, 2013 at 1:30pm

I would recommend going to your general practitioner and having blood work done just to make sure there isn't anything else going on. Did your derm check you for thyroid issues? Have an ANA test and sed rate test done just to see if you have inflammation some where. If ANA comes out a high positive your practitioner will send you off to the rheumetologist. Then they will do further testing for lupus, RA, etc. If migraines get worse go to a neurologist to get checked out. I also get horrible migraines but have had other issues that have made them worse. Good luck

Comment by Mindy on October 17, 2013 at 1:55pm

I am actually fixing to get a diagnoses from a dr. From what I know now it is taking zoloft which has make my serotonin sky rocket....I will let you know when I talk to him!

Comment by amym on October 17, 2013 at 2:16pm

That could do it, Mindy!


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