Apparently a new doctor is supposed to be coming back in January after many seminars etc. with new knowledge about new treatments. I had an appointment on Oct. 14; they just called and told me when my appointment with him is; it's March 12, 2010; 5 months from now, 6 months from that appointment!
Because of this mega-long delay I finally called and made an appointment to see a Chinese Medicine doctor. Guess when I see him? This Wednesday. So I have 5 months to try out Chinese medicine.

Views: 5

Comment by Andrea on November 17, 2009 at 1:35am
Please be cautious about anything he recommends. I believe in Eastern medicine but I am uncomfortable with the fact that there is no governing body to whom he must answer. None of the herbs that they use have gone through FDA trials, and yes the FDA makes mistakes (aspartame is their biggest SNAFU). Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's safe. A Chinese herb which has proven to improve athletic performance can also induce heart attack in these healthy, competitive athletes. Before embarking on anything, do your research about whatever he would give you.
Comment by Brandy Snap on November 17, 2009 at 7:20am
Because I have allergies, I always try to inform myself as best I can before I put anything into my body. (As with any drug)
Comment by Brandy Snap on November 17, 2009 at 7:36am
Well, I'm open to trying something new, as the treatments I was doing for the last 14 years really didn't do much. Hair would come. Hair would go. I just started (cross my fingers) getting some very fine eyelashes growing on one eye; new growth!


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