Here's something funny; I just went to see my dermy today and as per usual, a student doc is sent in first. She actually wanted me to point out where I have hair missing on my head. She looked surprised when I said that it's missing everywhere, all over my body. Now that's the true test of a good wig, when a resident can't tell that it's not your own hair! She even had to look closer to see that I had no eyelashes.

Views: 3

Comment by Stephanie on October 31, 2009 at 5:16pm
So, what exactly is your wig that it looks that real?

I think your idea about sewing elastic in the back of hats is perfect. I am going to do just that (or be lazy and bring them over to my seamstress). Thanks for the advise.
Comment by Brandy Snap on October 31, 2009 at 7:33pm
It's from Paula Young called "Sheer Satisfaction" in Goldenrod. It's hard to find styles that are straight and not curly. Curly hair just looks weird on me because my natural hair looks kind of like Marsha when on The Brady Bunch, even about the same shade of blonde and it used to be past my waist in length. One day again.


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