I finally did it - I shaved my head!

Last night I caught sight of myself in the mirror with my real hair pulled back in a pony tail with my many bald spots showing through. And I thought, that's it - it's time, I look hideous. I discussed it with my hubby who played devil's advocate and stressed to me that there was no turning back once I did it so to make sure I was sure. As he put it, I can still throw on a hat and go to the store (with my real hair) or around the house.....but you can't hide bald!

So we started off with the clippers on #3, then took it down to #1 - but after a picky night's sleep, in the morning we shaved it off with a razor. After it was all off, it was shocking to see how far this has progressed since I found my first dime-sized spot 2 months ago. Obviously the prednisone isn't working - doc!

It feels AMAZING! What a relief and feeling of freedom! I feel like I am thumbing my nose at alopecia -- it's not going to beat me. We sat outside all day with the warm breeze blowing on my scalp and the sun shining down on it. It feels so good to not be worried about if my spots are showing.

This was such a huge step in my healing process. I spent the whole week reading through all the blogs and posts on this site and looking at everyone's pictures that they posted and it has helped so much to take this step and know that it was the right thing for me to do. I posted a bunch of pictures under my profile, hopefully they will help others just like everyone else's have helped me in this process.

And I also have to give out thanks to my very special and supportive husband, Dave. He has been such a pillar for me on this journey - he makes me feel loved and beautiful every day. I can be me without reservations.

I can't wait for the day that I can proudly walk out in public with my bald head like so many here have done. That will be my next step, but for now I have to get used to the new me.

Views: 34

Comment by Clara S. on April 3, 2010 at 11:08pm
*hugs* I know! It feels so wonderful right? Not having to worry about the hair dropping off and all. And it's so good that your husband is being so loving and supportive and making you feel beautiful. By the way, i found that when I shaved, it became so much easier to wear my wigs too. :)
Comment by tahnie elizabeth grant on April 4, 2010 at 8:29am
congrats hope you like the new look
Comment by Ted Michael Morgan on April 4, 2010 at 10:16am
Good for you. Just love yourself. Be good to yourself. That is what counts just now.
Comment by Mary on April 4, 2010 at 10:20am
Congratulations! Have you checked out the wonderful AW Group Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads?
Comment by Christa M. on April 4, 2010 at 3:43pm
Hi Jenna, congratulations for this step! You will be fine like that.
Comment by Pat Latina on April 4, 2010 at 3:58pm
((((HUGS)))))) Way to Go!!! Congratulation! LIBERATION!!! I know exactly how you feel. I also love walking around my home bald. This site has been awesome support for me too. I'm so happy you did it. 2 thumbs-up, girl.
Comment by lynne on April 4, 2010 at 5:03pm
wow, well done and congrats on the new found freedom, xx
Comment by Natalie on April 4, 2010 at 10:03pm
Congrats! I felt the exact same way when I shaved my head a year ago! Chances are that you are through the worst of it - you are on the path to acceptance, and once you get there, I promise that you will feel like the most blessed person in the whole world! Our alopecia makes us unique and strong! Keep on smiling :)
Comment by Melissa on April 5, 2010 at 12:37am
Hi Jenna,

Thanks for posting this blog. I am coming to the point where I feel as though I should shave my head and move towards wigs but I am having a really hard time making the decision. My hair is so patchy at this point that I have to wear a headband or a hat to leave the house to cover the spots. I am so worried that others will notice them and I haven't had the courage to tell my co-workers or some of my closest friends. I read your story and how brave you have been and I wish I could summon the courage to get there. Still working towards it I guess. When I first developed AA ten years ago I thought it was a phase something that I would grow out of and for a long time it has had such control of my life. I identify with what others say about taking control...I hope to be there soon.
Comment by Jenna4 on April 5, 2010 at 1:04pm
Thank you everyone! Yes, the wig fits much much better, no more sliding around all day long. Plus it's not as hot. The kids are still getting used to it, but the will just have to deal with it. This is who I am, now. I truly feel like a new person, the same - only better.


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