I got lots of questions ?? but not any answeres.I ve heard some Drs. somewhere found a genetic link between naturally bald mice and victims of alopecia areata turns out there might be a ressesive gene we share. within victims of aloepecia this gene when activated due to trauma excessive stress illnes will triger that dormant gene activating it and, wolla! presto magic alopecia areata of the worse kind, the real trick in that case is how to put it back to sleep. Ive also heard it could be related to an irritable bowl, maldigestion malabsorbtion problems as well toxicity of the body which causes inflamation resulting in, wolla! presto magic aloe pecia areata or any other number of inflamation causing white blood cell muting deseases what do you guys think about those theories.I could really use some imput as i do not intend to stay bald forever. Every one have a great !
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