Ok yesterday I was having issues with my hair system. (It is a glued on system that I have removed and glued back on every 4 weeks). Well, I had to go an extra week, and I was out of my touch up glue. I had to remove my hair system myself because it was going to come off if tried to sleep in it. My husband was in the restroom while I was dealing with this. Now you should know, I have been wearing this system for 8 months, and my husband had not seen me bald in awhile. He was so great it didn't faze him a bit, and he even cleaned the glue goo off my head. When I asked him if I had any patches of hair; he replied "hardly any." He even got a kick out of my 17 month old sons reaction to seeing his mommy bald for the first time (I was little nervous). My baby just looked at me and laughed and then wanted me to pick him up. My husband told me to wait before showing my 4 year old because he wanted to witness this too. My 4 year old had seen me bald, but it had been a while. He was a little shocked and wanted me to put some hair back on, but he really didn't care too much.

Later that night, I found my self just staring at my husband in wonder. "How did I get so lucky to marry just a wonderful and understanding man."

When I felt the most insecure and vulnerable he was able to make me laugh and be at ease. Like I said, I'm just Lucky I Guess!

Views: 214

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 1, 2011 at 11:10am
Hey Amber, this is so funny. But I am going to repeat the same response I just used on another blog.

Not to take ANYTHING away from the great man that you have ;)

But, we alopecians have to be careful not to sell ourselves short. Meaning, you have this mates because you are worthy and chose wisely. Yes, your husband was able to see through conventional beauty and see you as a woman worthy of his attention. But it is also your strong qualities that keeps him. But Kudos to your great husband and kudos to you for picking him!
Comment by zeida on September 1, 2011 at 4:38pm
You are very lucky. I am lucky also, my husband sees me bald everyday. My 15 year old son and his friends are all very good with it. I asked my son if he was embarrassed by my baldness and he said no I don't care. We have special people in our lives and sometimes we don't even know it.

What kind of system do you have that stays on that long? Does it make you hot? I would like to find out more about it. Thank you
Comment by Sophia on September 1, 2011 at 5:05pm
Thanks for sharing! Great story :) There really are some wonderful men out there who do not care one bit about hair. I'm married to one as well. On a side note, what hair system are you wearing? Is it a wig?
Comment by Amber on September 1, 2011 at 9:24pm
Cheryl, I totally agree with you. I am proud of myself and wouldn't change anything in my life. Having Alopecia has made me the person I am today, and I am better and stronger for it.

Zeida and Sophia, Thanks for the nice comments. I wear a Natural Advantage Hair System. It is a full cap hair system on derma lens material. I have to go in every 4 weeks to have it removed and glued back on. For me a hair system last 3 months. It works really well for me and my life style.

Zeida, it does not get too hot, but itchy at times. It did take a while to get use to it, but it works for me.

This is some info from my salons website. They have a video about it. I don't think a lot of places offer this particular system, but I think hair club offers something similar.


For those who have experienced more significant, permanent hair loss, Natural Advantage™ Hair Non-surgical Hair Replacement provides:

A completely natural-looking hairline
A non-surgical solution for those with extreme hair loss
A full head of hair that looks, feels and acts like natural hair
An active lifestyle - swim, sleep, workout and shower without worrying about your hair!
The ability to travel all over the country and have access to all Natural Advantage styling salons


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