I'm still very consious about my total hairloss

For 26 years now I have had hair on my mind. I sometimes dream of having hair. I grew up with a very full head of thick medium brown hair. Sometimes I wished I didn't have so much hair as it took me so much time to care for it. So after the hair loss began, I started searching out wigs that would make me feel more like "myself".  It took we a while to get used to them as the ones I first tried were synthetic and didn't feel like real hair.  After about 20 years I was able to afford real human hair.  I am much happier with these wigs and can feel as though it's my own hair. It gives me the comfort and security I need to get on with life. I also have my faith in God to see me through it.  The fact that I have total body hair loss is a daily reminder that what you are born with is not necessarily what you'll end up with.  Life threw me a curve ball and it's up to me to dig in and focus on where I want it to go!

Views: 73

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on November 12, 2013 at 1:41pm

I too have had alopecia over 22 years.  Most of the time I do not think about it.  But every once in a while something happens that reminds me that I am indeed bald.  The other day I picked up my grandson from his Daycare, I overheard a couple of kids whispering "Is that girl or a boy?"  My grandson is almost 4, and I am sure as he grows he is going to have more questions and may even feel embarrassed by my bald head.  At that time I am sure the entire issue will become front and center again.


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