My hair has been back two years and have never forgotten how awful it was living with alopecia.
Which is why I'm worrying because all of a sudden I'm getting an intensely itchy scalp followed by a bald patch.
I can handle the odd bald patch but is this the start of another awful period in my life?
I always find when it starts itching it means mine is coming out again. I have just had quite a lot of growth black and white mix bit more and i could of gone without my wig, but boxing day it started to itch like mad and now i hardly have anything again its coming out in handfuls
Hope this is not the same for you
I have redness and itching and pustules and losing alot of hair. I looked it up and it sounds like I have scaring Alopecia (Cicatricial alopecia). You could just have dry itchy scalp because of the cold. I have had mine for about a year so mine isn't dry skin and mine isn't just itching. We will be going through this stuff forever I think. Good luck.
Sorry Shane.. I have lost and regained my hair 3 times and it is no fun. I hope it will turn out ok for you.. Hope this New Year is better for ya.
4 years since my hair problem started. It never has really come back to where i would be comfortable without a wig, which i hate but had to get used too... Its been very hard to deal with this but what can i do . It is what it is. I guess if i wasn't so vain it wouldn't have bothered me as much. I hope someday it returns to normal but in reality i do not think it will ever come back fully. I have lost hope in seeing doctors about the problem, most can't give me a answer why it happened or if it will come back. I wish everyone who has the problem a quick recovery.
I'm going through my first cycle of re-loss. It is so frustrating and heart-breaking. No one knows what it is like for us. It's so hard to explain, yes, we have lost our hair. No, we don't have cancer. Yes, we are lucky. But we don't always feel so lucky. I'm sorry that you are going through it again, but never forget that you are never alone!
I have had several battles with hair loss but have always grown it back but not this time. Along with the Alopecia Areata I am now having itchy scalp and small pimple like sores on scalp and general hair loss on scalp. I have a couple different autoimmune diseases that cause hair loss plus I had gastric bypass so I don't absorb vitamins I need very well. Also I just has spinal cord surgery and that added stress also causes hair loss. I have complained for a couple years now about the hair loss but knowone takes it very serious. I went to Dr the other day and begged for her to send me to Dermatogist and maybe then to an Endocrinologist to get diagnosis and scalp biopsy so she put in for referral. I am 62 and live alone and have no family for support. Yes we do not have cancer but the emotional effects can be devastating and make you feel ugly and alone. I try to act positive around others but when alone it is hard. We will see what happens. The comments here help. Thank you
i know that some of the topical medications for alopecia caused me to have itchiness and sometimes i noticed itchiness right before some of my hair grew back, but i never had itchiness with it falling out ( just some bitchiness) i think it may be different for different people, but the dr. explained that the topical medications irritate the scalp and that brings more blood to the area and helps the hair to grow. good luck! itzmejudy- you are not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are here for you! happy new year.
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