INTERNATIONAL ALOPECIA DAY - spread the word in other languages!

As many of you know, the name of our annual awareness and pride event was changed in May by vote of the National Bald Out Group. The event is now called "International Alopecia Day".

Because of the name change, I removed the second NBO video that I had made, and it's no longer on YouTube. So, the text is no longer available there. But, in case anyone else wants to translate the message into their language, I am posting a revised message below, reflecting the name change. PLEASE TRANSLATE AND SHARE IT WHERE YOU LIVE.

So far we have German and Italian translations of the original video text posted. Thank you to Josef and Daniele.

Is there someone who would like to translate the message into YOUR language? Think how many more people we could reach if we have the text online in Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese.....lots of languages.

I'll be putting together a video after July 17 showing events in various locations, like the one I did for the 2009 NBO Day:

Please join the International Alopecia Day Group for more information. Let the world know we're here.


International Alopecia Day is Saturday, July 17, 2010!

Last year, National Bald Out Day was celebrated around the US and in other countries, including Canada and the UK.

People with Alopecia Areata organized gatherings, had fun, and raised public awareness. For some, it was the first time they experienced the freedom of being out in public bald.

The name of our annual awareness and pride event has been changed to "International Alopecia Day" by vote of the members of the National Bald Out Group on

If you’re bald or partially bald and you prefer to wear a wig ….I SUPPORT your choice. I tried wigs, but I just can’t wear them.

International Alopecia Day is for people who don’t like wearing a wig or scarf or hat all the time, but who haven’t yet taken the step of going out in public uncovered. This is your chance! For one day, TAKE IT OFF and let people know that we’re here, and proud of who we are.

If you already go out in public bald, use this day to encourage other people with Alopecia to do the same thing.

SO, LET’S DO IT. Wherever you live, on Saturday, July 17, 2010, come out of the wig closet! It may change your life. And, it may change the way people see us.

For more information about International Alopecia Day, or about how you can organize a local gathering or event on July 17, go to and join the International Alopecia Day Group.

You can order your official International Alopecia Day T-shirt in a variety of styles to wear on July 17 at my Café Press store. Here's the link:

These shirts are being sold at the basic Café Press cost with no mark up or profit to me or any organization.

You can get some ideas about what to organize by looking at the photos from last year's event in this video: I’ll be putting together a YouTube video of the 2010 events, and I’d like to include as many locations around the US and around the world as possible! So, take pictures!

See you OUT there!

Views: 37

Comment by Mary on March 20, 2010 at 1:57pm
Thanks, Daniele! It looks beautiful. I hadn't yet seen that the whole translation was up! I'm posting this link on the NBO Group under the new Discussion "National Bald Out™ Day AROUND THE WORLD", where all the translations can be found.
Comment by Mary on March 25, 2010 at 10:36am

Are there any AW members who could translate the NBO Day text into Spanish? Here's the link with the text and translations :

Comment by Momoko on May 24, 2010 at 10:47am
Hi Mary, Long time no see !

Do you need Japanese one?
I just translated it some sentence to inform National bald out day to my weblog readers.
Comment by Mary on May 24, 2010 at 4:58pm
hi Momoko!

Thanks for the offer! I took the 2010 National Bald Out video off of YouTube and AlopeciaWorld last month due to the trademark claim of another party to the name, "National Bald Out". As you probably know, the NBO Group voted on the new name, International Bald Out.

It would be great if we have IAD events in Japan this year! Maybe you could translate the video text, but change the name from National Bald Out to International Alopecia Day.

Comment by Momoko on May 25, 2010 at 9:38am
All right.I'll do it.
I'm glad to help encouraging International Alopecia Day.

By the way,how can I get the english text?
the link above is not connected to you tube.
Comment by Mary on May 26, 2010 at 5:49pm
I'll be able to sent it to you in a few days...I'm not at my computer right now, and that's where I have it. Thanks! I'll post it on AW and also send it to you in a message next week.


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