I'm completely frustrated and irritated w/dismissive doc.
I have sudden swollen/red/painful warm fingers and toes (weird, right?). It freaked me out a bit, so I called my doc and the nurse suggested I be seen and have blood work done. The doc didn't' order anything, and had me make an appt. in six weeks. My last blood work was in March. Since this coincided w/another big shed, silly me . . . I thought maybe they were related. I think maybe there is a "crazy" label next to my name in their files. 'Anyone else ever feel like that? Thank you AW, for allowing me to vent.

Views: 2

Comment by Tallgirl on July 28, 2010 at 10:02pm
Hey, after I was a week in the hospital at age 16...starting the morning after my first big date...to see if my alopecia, shots, prednisone and excessive periods were related, ALL that the doctor wrote in the files afterwards was "Normal 16-year-old girl. Mother very aggressive." So, being that all my mom had been doing was trying to find a cure for my alopecia with a bunch of her questions, I learned early in life that (a) doctors think they are gods, and (b) they name-call even in permanent files when challenged. I felt sorry for my mom, but more relaxed about myself after that!!!! Maybe the lesson is to not appear hysterical or loud when asking the questions.
Comment by Lori on July 29, 2010 at 12:44am
Thanks for the comments and suggestions; I appreciate them. Tallgirl, that is an awful story. I'm so sorry you and your mother were treated that way. I just don't get it.
As the doc was speaking, I know I panicked and just couldn't think well enough to assert myself (I hate that I've allowed this to affect me this way). I never had this problem when seeing docs before I started being dismissed for wanting answers to the hair loss. I'm sure I appeared very anxious, because I was - especially because it's a new clinic as I switched from my doc of 15 yrs. I'll take someone with me next time. Lois - you're spot on with your instructions. I shouldn't complain, I know things could be much worse. I appreciate your time and comments. Thanks so much! I hope you have a good night.
Comment by Lori on July 29, 2010 at 11:06am
Hi Lily. Thanks for the welcome! Funny enough, this WAS at my news doc's clinic. I switched from my doc of 15 yrs when I wasn't being taken seriously. 'Had my first appt with new Integrative Med doc last week, then these new symptoms showed up fast and strong. Unfortunately my new doc isn't in this week, so I saw someone else (but also integrative med). I think that's why this is extra frustrating; I made the switch after researching docs and somehow managing to get in as a new patient w/this doc and clinic (not easy). It IS normal to be alarmed, but it's interesting how after feeling dismissed for a while, I'm actually starting to believe I'm in the wrong. THAT, is crazy. Anyway, thanks again - you have a good weekend too.


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