I have a question regarding AA what are the chances of having it rather widespread, and then for the hair to come back? Is it possible to just have it once in your life and for it never to return? or are the chances of that very slim? I AM DESPARATE for some hope cant think of having to deal with this torment for the rest of my life please help. Clare Majka

Views: 25

Comment by Tallgirl on November 25, 2010 at 2:18am
Go to www.naaf.org. The latest info and research is on there.

Read everything on the blogs and discussions on this site. Watch the videos, too. We have all been in your place, and we have survived!
Comment by clare majka on November 25, 2010 at 7:43am
thank you tall girl i will.
Comment by Pat Latina on November 25, 2010 at 9:53am
For everyone it is different this disease is so unpredictable. It falls, it grows back, it never grows back, no on really knows. Treatments work for some and not for others, many time treatments are temporary. The unknown. What I do know (most of it through this site) is that we are who we are inside and we each must build that self-esteem at all cost. I and I'm sure many here know how you feel, we've been there. But Clare you have to find the way to see yourself through the eyes of your inner self. I sometimes get up and feel down but than I begin to think of all the things (worst) that I could have instead and I rejoice. No hair but we are healthy. Love your family, kids and true friends but most of all (((HUG))) yourself and love yourself. I'm (We) here for you. I love AW because we are not alone. I wear a wig every single day and I love it. They are not so bad, you just have to find one that works for you.
Comment by clare majka on November 25, 2010 at 12:01pm
Thank you pat for your advice i guess i am struggling because this is still new to me. I hope to one day feel the way you do about it i am not there yet thank you for being there.Clare
Comment by caroline knight on November 25, 2010 at 7:44pm
my aa always grows bak i have had it on + off 4 20years so i always wait n see n try 2 get on wiv my life n stay positive about it, a freind of mine had au she is experiencing regrowth after about13 yrs!!! so no 1 knows 4 many ppl it grows bak try not 2 worry X
Comment by JeffreySF on November 26, 2010 at 8:33pm
Hi Clare,
Always have hope. Your hair can grow back at any time. The disease just needs to shut itself off.
I was completly AU for a year and am now at about 80% regrowth.
Hang in there!
Comment by Nikki Walker on November 28, 2010 at 5:54pm
I started losing my hair 9 months ago and was completely bald within a few weeks. I already have a full head of hair- thicker and healthier than it was before. Every specialist I spoke to said there was little hope of it growing back or any time soon. I fully appreciate how lucky I am and want you to know there is definitly hope out there.xx
Comment by JeffreySF on November 28, 2010 at 6:18pm
Wow Nikki!!!
Excellent News!
Comment by clare majka on November 30, 2010 at 3:53pm
Thank you Jeff and Nikki your words of encouragement mean a lot to me this really is the hardest thing i have ever gone through so p.s. i should be grateful i know a lot more people have gone through more. I believe that my hair will come back because i am an optimist. love clare


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