HI i am new to the website and would like some advice on whether i should stop with the shots to my scalp.I have had 6 treatments and have some peach fuzz but my hair is still falling out is normal? will it continue to fall out even though i am getting the shots? Is it worth it to go through the pain or should i let the alopecia run its course i have lost a lot of hair still have a little at the back and sides thinking about shaving it off but i am terrified dont know what to do sooooooooooooooo scared. clare

Views: 28

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on November 21, 2010 at 1:02pm
Welcome Clare.
Im sure you will find this site as helpful and supportive as I have and continue to find. Everyone here has or going thru the same experiences as you are now and are very caring.
As to whether to stop your injections or not ...that is something ultimately only you can decide. But in my experience with injections, and let me say that I was doing injections for 10 years every 6 weeks, they did indeed work. They worked in the areas that were being injected, it didnt keep the rest of the scalp from losing hair. For a long time the injections were keeping on top of the hair loss, but eventually the hair loss increased to the point that injections werent catching up. It was then that my doctor and I decided to try DCP. Its only been in the last 2 1/2 months that I have given up all treatments, everything was too painful and at some point you need to give yourself a rest. Alopecia is very unpredictable and unfortunately if your body decides that to release your hair, there really is no treatment to stop it. As my doctor said to me once " we are just chasing the symptoms "
When the time was right for me, I did decide to shave, and it was the best decision. There is something incredibly freeing with shaving. You can look in the mirror and see you again not the alopecia.
Besides just think of all the fun you can have with changing hair styles (wigs, scarfs, hats, let your imagination run wild with it)
Good Luck with your decision and know that we are all here for you.
Comment by Tallgirl on November 21, 2010 at 1:47pm
See my old blog The AHA! Moment. My dermatologist used to say that any more than 6 shots at one appointment was a bit much for the system. When I heard this and had massive hair loss, I decided to stop all shots. Insurance wouldn't pay for it, and the appointments made me feel defeated and depressed, as I was going totally bald. I'll "friend" you so you can see that blog.
Comment by clare majka on November 21, 2010 at 3:46pm
thank you so much for the input girls i really appreciate it.
Comment by Erin on November 21, 2010 at 10:47pm
For me, they did not work. BUt everyone is different, If it seems pretty widespread though I think the chance of it working are much less, if you only have a few spots maybe try a bit more??
Comment by Lee on November 21, 2010 at 11:01pm
There are other treatments they can use, as far as creams, that could work. If I had peach fuzz growing, I would prob keep trying, but thats just me. I stopped treatments after I did a few months of light treatments, which were a huge waste of time and money. Only thing that has worked for me is prednisone.
Comment by Alexis on November 22, 2010 at 12:22am
stop the treatments! they arent good for the body, neither is prednisone ( it made me sick)
Comment by clare majka on November 22, 2010 at 3:00pm
thank you to everyone for their input i think i might take a little break for now that is what i have decided.I am so grateful to have this website.I also found a support group in manhattan so going there dec13th.
Comment by Liz Shiel on December 20, 2010 at 6:59pm

Hi Clare thanks for adding me, my true experience was to be honest not good. I had injections for good while but when I stopped the hair that regrown fell out. Then i took oral steroids and the same thing happened. apparently if you stay on them for life your hair will regrow while you are on them full time, but and a big but is the effect they have on the rest of your body which is fatal so full head of hair failing body sorry to be so brutally honest but wanted you to know love Liz x


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