Yesterday, I went to the dermotologist for my 4th "round" of cortisone shots on my already sore scalp. Tears streamed down my face while I was being injected. The nurse stopped, put her hand on my shoulder and apologized for the pain. Taking a deep breath and wiping my sad eyes, I said, "It's not my head that hurts...It's my heart."

Views: 287

Comment by asdf234 on March 31, 2012 at 12:38pm

I feel like I can empathize. It does hurt! I lost most of my hair last month and despite my best efforts, it is still falling out. I tried to tell myself all the logical reasons why it was ok- but I just couldn't stop the emotional pain. I woke in the morning many times with slow silent tears trickling down my face. Some evenings I was so emotionally drained and raw that I hyperventilated with sobs. I tried to keep a stiff upper lip- but it was just so hard!
On the advice of my herbalist, I started taking a GABA supplement each morning. Ok, my life is still no picnic, but I can handle it now. Things that threw me into a tailspin of despair, roll off my back. I don't wake up crying. It is much easier for me to cope. I don't have any other health issues and haven't noticed any side effects. All the nightmare scenarios I spun in my head did eventually happen, but you know what- they didn't hurt as bad as I imagined they would. I bounced back.

Research it for yourself. Beware of possible drug interactions with it. I feel like anything that is truly useful can also be misused, so use it responsibly. I don't take any other medication, so I don't know anything about possible drug interactions. I have no other health issues and haven't had any side effects. Here's a link to start you off on your research if you are interested in learning more:

This site goes into the dosages, possible side effects and uses.

Dr. Ray Sahelian MD gives relatively impartial advice on what the current medical research says about several herbs and supplements.

What ever you do, know that you are not alone. We are all here rooting for each other!


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