I have to say these words..."I really want my hair back!" Now that I got that out I can be candid. I had to be honest with myself and I did. I said those words and I believe those words to be the desire of my heart. That is my believe that which I do not have... to possess in my future which I can not see, but I see. I know sounds crazy but isn't this whole situation crazy? I have lamented over my hair loss and it's true I stayed in that place for a while. Now, I am on the other side of it as I just want to fit in with the rest of the world. So, for a time I covered up my spots by wearing wigs and hats; stayed indoors as if I have a communicable disease. Thinking that I would get to know me better with all this private, quite, hidden time I got on my hands; when in fact, it's the world that needs to get to know me better. The world has never before seen beauty on this order and my confidence packs a one two punch!
I am in a place now where my hair grew back completely but is now falling out all over again, aggressively. And to be completely honest- those old feeling are trying to creep in again. That old behavior is knocking at my door: "Pull out the wigs you know where they are." Then I ask myself the question: "Why do I still have those wigs anyway?" Those thoughts are demons from hell I swear! This is where I realize that...I may be bald the rest of your life. Then I get mad at my hair and tell it to make up its mind. These swinging emotions and mental thoughts sound like this- "You grow back, you fall out, you grow back, you fall out! Stop teasing me! I already told you that I want you in my life! O.k. forget you, I don't need you anyway. I can cut you at anytime; please don't go!" LOL! This is me having a conversation with my hair. Sad, right? But I am being honest with myself...The good book says, the truth will set you free. I really want to be free.
While my hair is falling out it is actually growing back; I have bald spots all over my head and beautiful white curly locks filling in some of those spots. It is this hair that gives me promise that I have set my faith for as stated in the first paragraph. So, I dismiss the demons because only I can get rid of them. I don't go near a wig. I preach my sermons at church about faith, hope, troubles and the strength it takes to keep going. The people hug me and give me kisses and tell me how much I encourage them. I go to work (elementary teacher)and teach kids phonics and we play and dance with music and I read stories to them about Aesop and life lessons and their eyes light up as I animate the voice of the wolf. They never stop to stare at my head. They give me hugs as they are walking out my classroom wishing they could stay longer. I spend time with my kids talking to them about their day at school. They wanna know what's for dinner and can we go to the park together. My 6 year old son always greet me at the door with a resounding "Hi mom!" and almost knocks me over with his football hugs; which I cherish. I make love to my husband...right! and he loves me back better! LOL!!! Before he preaches he always ask me to stand up because he wants the world to see the most beautiful chick in the room who makes him complete. I love this man.
In my conclusion of the whole matter. I love my life, hair or no hair. So, I have changed my mind.(This is my prerogative) I really don't care about the hair anymore, what I really want is to enjoy my life and my family more than hair it self!

Views: 1009

Comment by Angela Szazynski on April 15, 2012 at 6:07am

Theresa, my wife Angela had this page up and I read your post. I don't think she'll mind me dropping a comment---I hope. I am not an Alopecian myself but your description of your inner conversations, sound similar to the ones I overhear my wife having. If I may throw in my two cents to anyone reading it would be this...We all need a vision of purpose for existing that is larger than ourselves. A perspective vast and grand, so beautiful and significant that all other conceptions become puny and shrivel in comparison. I believe and have lived out in experience for 30yrs that only God can grant that vision and that He Himself is the center of that vision. We were made for Him and we will forever sing the lyrics of the Stones and "get no satisfaction," if we fail to find Him. No matter where else we try and try and try and try. One last thought and and then two passages of scripture and I'm done. If you have attempted in the past ('you' being not Theresa but other readers)to find God but have been unsuccessful it maybe because you have looked in the wrong places. You won't find Him usually in schools, spiritual retreats or even at church type settings. If I were you I would find a quiet place under a tree, in your own room or under the night sky and pour out your heart in humility asking your Creator to make Himself known. His Son Jesus said that if we ask we will receive.
Here are those two passages of Scripture. This first one is from Jesus which is well known but almost always taken out of context, partially quoted. "If you persevere and continue in my teaching then you are truly my students, then you shall know the truth and the truth shall free you." John 8:31-32 The road to freedom is in Jesus and in being an apprentice, a pupil, a disciple of his. God is the ultimate goal but Jesus is the Mediator.

This second passage is God giving the prophet Samuel the right criterion for choosing amongst many brothers the one who would be the next king of Israel. "But the Lord said to Samuel,"Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. I do not look at the things people look at. Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart." 1 Sam.16:7 May we all be more concerned with Him who sees our insides instead of men who sees only the outside. May God help us to do so.

Comment by Michele on April 15, 2012 at 9:46am


Comment by Theresa on April 16, 2012 at 11:30am

@Angela's hubsand. Thank you. In every situation and in every opportunity, lift up the Creator!

Comment by Jane on April 17, 2012 at 10:14am

well said. Beautiful words!

Comment by PJ on April 19, 2012 at 11:42pm

Praise Jesus...bless your heart...Theresa, it's been a while since logging onto the site. I'm just returning from a wonderful two weeks Australian vacation. It is absolutely beautiful there, while admiring all of God's wonders. In checking my email, I opened your blog. That was a beautiful heart felt story, one that I can trully relate to. I have faith too, praying,believing, thinking and believing, talking to myself..."it's growing here, I see hair growing there"...but was that God's will for me? When God delivered me, I almost lost it on the choir stand while singing, Richmond Smallwood's song "Trust"...I shouted, did my dance, lol, while screaming, "thank you"...just screaming...the saints did not know what was going on with me with this bald head, first time wearing it on the choir, which moved the spirit in them. I felt soooo free. It is not about us. We are making a statement for God. Beauty is inside. I must say that once I shaved my head, I said to myself..."life is too short", as I stated previously, in my testimony. I got to move forward. Do my thing, wear makeup, hats, accessories, anything but to put on another piece of hair or wig to hid my head. I told myself, I'm gonna work this..versitility....tired of putting out that kind of money, and feeling that kind of way, actually trying to hid the baldness, not just for fashion and it was an awful, awkward, feeling...trying to hid it. Now I can, if I choose to wear a piece, unit or wig, for fashion only, I can and would, if I want to...they have seen my head, it will not be for me hiding my balness, but I LOVE MY BALD LOOK and I will keep saying that so that the devil can not come in to destroy..that's what he does, kill and destroy. So I have to reflect, remember and rejoice about good things in life. We have to live out God's purpose. Easy said than done, I must say, however, to think about what I went through to get to where I am now. When in Australia, among strangers, I had the opportunity of telling my story. I struct the bold bald look where I was staying; however, when going out, because of the sun, I wore a hat. I am no longer hiding what I, beautiful, bald, blessed, living and enjoying the life that I have, where God has me, right now time. I hope you will be able to go into facebook to look at my Australian photos. Some of them a little words had me also smiling...good for you...a man who loves you, children alive and well, the love of God living in you, your members at church, students in school, family and friends...girl...lift your head up...keep it up, you are beautiful...remember what you preach and stay joyful. Remember, we are not our hair, and hair is diffinitely not us....took me a lonnnng time to know and really accept that...I love you, my sister in Christ. P.S.... and it is your prerogative to feel any way you feel...because you are you, human, and that's normal....:>). PJ

Comment by lovelyjan on May 6, 2012 at 11:49pm

Theresa,love you sister....Devil is always busy.We all have a story to tell,but some of us choose not to. Keep preaching,keep loving,keep walking in faith. I'm a strong believer that all things happen in God timing. The devil can be a mind controlling if we let him,he tried to make me think that now after a year of living the life of freedom that the wigs are better for me (lol he is a liar) than being myself bald and beautiful. Thanks God he is a powerful God and the devil don't stand a chance anymore. Be Bless!!!

Comment by Clayton on July 20, 2012 at 5:24pm
Next year will be 20 years since I lost my hair and I STILL have dreams so real that I sometimes wake up thinking, "Damn, I've got to shave this morning"...

If only I really DID have to, right? It was 8 years before I would go out w/out some type of hat on and another 5 or 6 years before I was really comfortable doing that, so I KNOW it's tough on you women and I really feel for y'all.

Having a good attitude (to me) is a major part of battling this condition and being able to laugh at yourself can only be helpful. Stay strong, my friend and you'll come out the other side just fine, I promise...


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