Hey guys. Just curious on everyone's level of itching. My head itches like CRAZY when the hair falls out. normally skin itches when hair grows in right? Anyone know why?
I stopped going to the dermatologist after 4 rounds of injections. I felt it did more harm than good for me. I am not a fan of chemicals being blasted into my head and it didn't seem to make the hair grow back. but doctorless, I'm left with a ton of questions about this condition.

Views: 48

Comment by zeida on April 18, 2011 at 5:43pm
I was coming in to ask the same question. I have itching on the back of my head. Don't know if it's the hair coming in or the hair starting to fall out again. Hopefully it's new hair. I also had four rounds of injections and decided to stop. Not sure what to do at this point. It is taking so long to get my hair back. I have days that I don't care and others when I get all dressed up and then look at my head to decide "bandana or baseball cap?" It's too hot in Florida for the wig. Don't know how much longer I can hold on.
Comment by R0BB on April 18, 2011 at 7:07pm
Ive found that itching , redness , and that ' my hair hurts ' feeling happens during shedding stages.
On the flip side , Ive found some itching during regrowth too !!

Figures ... it all makes sense that nothing makes sense with this alopecia stuff .

- Carry on :)
Comment by Lindsay on April 19, 2011 at 1:22am
Lol I love this site. Things I think are abnormal turn out to be ok and I feel much better instantly. Normal-ness in an abnormal situation. its quite nice lol
Zeida, I always vote for bandanas. I used to wear a hat constantly, and I got sick of not being able to see "up" all the time hahah
Try a nice silk one. That shouldn't be too hot, but quite breezy and smooth =)
I have been on a shopping spree lately with them. im going a little color crazy lol
Comment by zeida on April 22, 2011 at 9:27am
Thanks Lindsay. I have up and down days. The last few days have been up days. I am now wearing the bandanas and I bought a really nice head scarf that looks good. My husband gave me the thumbs up and that is all I needed.
Comment by Sheila Pinder on April 26, 2011 at 9:55pm
I have been totally bald since September 2010. I try to sahve every day or at least every other day. If I dont shave by the third day my scalp itches pretty bad and I run to shave without hesitation. Once I tried to see if hair would grow back some, but by day five the itching was unbearable. I left work to run home and shave on my lunch hour.


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