It's hard to hold it together sometimes

A few weeks ago I went to a neighborhood Bunco. I was excited. It would be nice to hang out with everyone all in one place since we were all scattered during the summer. I tried to fix my hair as best as I could. I've come to peace with wearing barrettes, even though at the age of 37, I wish I didn't have to. I'm not trying to be younger than my age....but lately I've been having less confidence in looking the way I do and how my peers view it. Only a few know. OK, none really. If I go without barrettes, the wind could blow my hair to reveal the big baldy patch over my what used to be bangs. And all the stark white hairs sticking out. Hairspray does not help.

Sadly, it's becoming difficult for me to be my usual happy self. I feel that as I approach 40, my peers are embracing who they are and just flaunting all the wonderfulness they have.....and so much of it has to do with hair. Daily I have been losing so much more hair than usual. No patches have revealed themselves yet....and I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping that being gluten free is helping...but, it's too soon to know. My hair is ratty at best. It just won't grow. If it were all one length then I might be able to exert some control over it. *sigh* I went to a wonderful hair salon in the Spring. I was happy. My hairdresser said I could get away without using barrettes. But, that's because I was sitting inside and not, I had to put them back in before going out the door.

I've never let my AA get me down like this before. I'm sad that there are no support groups here in PDX. I belong to a Gluten Intolerance Group and I'm by far one of the youngest. It's been a bit unsettling.

At Bunco we were also celebrating a Birthday. I wasn't sad about not being able to eat cake....or dessert since they had wheat in them.....but the hair thing really brought me down.

Views: 6

Comment by panuelo girl on August 5, 2009 at 5:08pm
I think we've all had these days. The good news is that they pass and the next day is better, not necessarily b/c our hair gets better (mine didn't) but b/c we just learn to accept it more. You'll find your way, just keep coming back to this site so you can get support from people who understand. It makes a world of difference.
Comment by Shauna Haden on August 5, 2009 at 5:11pm
My name is Shauna and I am curious about the gluten. did you hear that it could of caused this? I am still diligently trying to find out why this is happening to me.
Comment by Mary on August 5, 2009 at 5:17pm
Hi Georgie,

Hang in there and stay in touch with us on Alopecia World. You'll find lots of wonderful support here.

Comment by Mary on August 5, 2009 at 7:16pm
Just remember the Volkswagen commercial - we're the wave of the future!
Comment by Kimberly on August 6, 2009 at 4:18pm
I've been living with some form of alopecia for over 27 years now, currently AU for the last 13 years. You WILL have good days and bad, and if I allowed it now, I would STILL have bad days, but I'm determined to look at the positives in life, and do the best with what I have. I have been blessed in this life and thankful to God for each day I have. Hang in there. You will find that support of others, like this site, will really help also. God Bless You Georgie
Comment by Natalie on August 6, 2009 at 8:03pm
Hi Georgie! I'm so sorry to hear about the difficult time you are having with your AA. I, too, felt exactly the same way this past year; my hair was sooo thin that no matter what I wore or how good I did my makeup or how great the event was going, I always felt "less than" the other people around me. My confidence rapidly declined with my hair loss, and eventually I had had enough of letting it take over my life. I shaved it all off and got an absolutely gorgeous wig that I adore. I'm certainly not trying to suggest that you go out and shave your hair, because that is a very personal decision that is reached in a different way and at different times by everyone, but once I was able to gain some form of control back in my life (not worrying about the wind showing my patches or having to put a hat on everytime I went outside) has definitely brought the confidence back in my life. Everyone finds their confidence over again, in their own way. I truly wish you smooth sailing on your journey, and please let me know if I can ever help in any way :)
Comment by Marie on January 19, 2010 at 9:08pm


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