Well after humming and haaaing for ages I took the plunge and finaly got rid of the stupid amount of hair I had left. And just like everyone here says - it was the best thing I could have done. I feel I look more normal and a hell of a lot better with no hair than what I did with my sorry excus for hair.

Funny thing is now that I've shaved it's growing back. I'm not getting too excited as I know I could lose it again but the top of my head is almost covered (a scattering of patches). I'll keep shaving until I see 5 o'clock shadow all over, then I may attempt to grow it and wait and see.

Getting a few odd looks when I'm out and about with my scarf on but who cares - I feel better and to me that's all that matters. My family is being supper supportive although my 2 year old did say I looked like grandpa after the first shave (grandpa is a lovely bald man lol).

Views: 6

Comment by Mary on February 8, 2009 at 10:55pm
WAY TO GO! Best wishes, and just be proud of who you are.
Comment by Nants the Rebellion Dog on February 9, 2009 at 1:49am
You sound like a wonderful woman with her (bald) head screwed on the right way! May you be blessed each day! Love your 2-year-old and to hell with the hair. Imagine all the time you'll have to play now that you don't have to wash and style your hair each day!
Comment by Cherylnz on February 9, 2009 at 4:04am
Hi Karen,
Good on you, will certainly be easy and cool in the fantastic Summer weather we've been having here.
Take Care
Comment by Mari on February 10, 2009 at 2:32pm
Kudos Karen! It really is a hard step, but funny how worth it it feels after. God Bless
Comment by Linda on February 11, 2009 at 8:50pm
LOL@grandpa, your 2 year old sounds like a cutie pie! Welcome to the world of the shaved, BALD is truly beautiful and I'm sure you look MAH-velous!


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