Hi again. It's been so long since I last bloged and on my hair front a lot has happened - I HAVE SOME.
After shaving my head back in January I noticed a little bit of regrowth. Well that regrowth has taken off and I now have a full head of hair again (minus a couple of tiny patches).

Funny thing I have noticed since I stopped wearing a scarf, people are commenting on my new hair cut. A lot of people knew about my hair loss, but those who didn't obviously didn't get why I was wearing a scarf and just thought I have recently cut my hair (must have thought my hair was hiding in the scarf). So I am now telling a new bunch of people about Alopecia and what happened with my hair.

I am pleased to again have hair but am now in this funny state of mind - is it staying, in fact I am probably more obsesed about my hair and what it is doing than when I had none. No hair is kinda easier, I didn't expect anything so I didn't look. Now I have hair I'm always checking to see if it is staying or going again. Aparently due to my age (over 30) and the fact I've never had AA before I am likely to keep it but I think I will always stay prepared for another bout of AA.

Anyways just thought I'd update my journey

Views: 13

Comment by Tallgirl on April 27, 2009 at 10:34pm
Hey, my sister just told me that the character (based on real life) played by Drew Barrymore in Gray Gardens had alopecia. Maybe that's why she wore the scarves!
Comment by Karen on April 27, 2009 at 11:39pm
Hi Aimee - I noticed my first patch in Oct 08 and had next to nothing by Jan. I had no treatment, just let nature take it course
Comment by Paula on April 28, 2009 at 8:20am
Hi Karen, Thanks for sending the update. I've been wondering how you are doing! I am so happy hear that the regrowth is still going strong. I know what you mean about checking to see if it's coming or going. I keep doing that with as well. I'll see a short new hair on the pillow and wonder, is the new stuff falling out? I can't wait til the day when I'm no longer obsessed. :)
Comment by Tatina Paddington on April 28, 2009 at 4:19pm
My first patch of hair fell out mid Dec 2008 and i didn't know till my teenage daughter told me i had a bald patch! I thought she was joking till I looked in the mirror - it was such a shock. I am 37yrs old and since December the patch has got bigger & bigger and is now approx 4" by 2.5" and i am finding it difficult to cover. I have been sweeping over hair but as it's on left top of my head and getting bigger it's not covering so well now. Today I could not cover it for work & bless my teenage daughter she tied a scarf around my head to cover it and it looked quite stylish! I am getting fed up with having to deal with each time another handful falls out that I am seriously considering shaving it all off - any thoughts or advice will be appreciated???


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