My 7 year old daughter, Kaliyah, was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a couple of months ago. At first it was the hairline at the nape of her neck...then it was small patches here & there...then within a month's time, 90% of her hair was gone. Being that she is a child, her head is small & the wigs were getting harder and harder to stay on. She was very insecure & also experienced an embarrassing moment when it fell off while she was playing. With nothing but prayer left....I prayed & prayed for God to lead me to "something" , "anything", "anyone" who could make it better for my little girl...that prayer & research led me to JOSEPH PARIS' Hair System! Amazed with the natural appearance of his wigs, I called ASAP! I then set up an appointment and when we went to the city to meet Mr. Paris & his staff, they were incredible! Very kind, supportive, and understanding. My child was very comfortable and was anxious to get the wig. Unfortunately, we have Medicaid...and it doesn't promise to cover for this, and with no time to waste , I called an emergency family meeting & explained my daughter's condition, told them about the medicaid, & SHOWED them Mr. Paris' Hair System. After seeing that, I am happy to say, I raised the money to purchase it for my daughter. While Mr. Paris is very reasonable, it's still a shame that Medicaid will not cover for this. Every day when my child is off to school, I'm at peace.....while she's running around playing....I'm at peace.....While she's dancing in her ballet class....I'm at peace...BECAUSE WITH THIS HAIR SHE IS CONFIDENT, HAPPY, & SECURE!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR JOSEPH PARIS!!!!

Views: 33

Comment by Karen Smith on June 13, 2011 at 9:58am
I am so glad that you found a good hair system for her. celebrity style wigs and hair club america offer free wigs for kids. You may want to start the process with them so that you have back up.
Comment by Lee on June 13, 2011 at 3:57pm
Wow! Karen, thank you so much for that information!!! God bless!
Comment by Lee on June 14, 2011 at 1:53pm
Thank you Rose. I'm very appreciative that I found something that works but often feeling sad that this has happened to her.
Comment by Lee on July 31, 2011 at 6:45pm
Spoke too soon...Mr. Paris needs more practice making wigs for African American "children" w/Alopecia. When I first received the wig I was so happy just because it was something a "little" better than the store wigs. But after a few days, I noticed the cap is made of peach material (for caucasian people), yes the lace was dyed brown...but still noticable...and the hair texture is of caucasian texture. However, after thousands of dollars spent on this wig..I have discovered a full lace wig for an african-american child with availability to part the hair "anywhere". You see, our children (black people), don't wear their hair out or with bangs. We usually sytle our children's hair in ponytails, braids, or cornrows. This hairpiece we purchased does not look natural for my daughter, so instead of feeling like it's a lot of money wasted, I view it as a valuable lesson learned. I was also informed that some companies donate free wigs to children w/ is TRUE! I have been conversing with a representative from the company for the past few weeks. Not only has this experience taught me a lot, it's motivating me to start classes on making these wigs so other low-income people like myself don't get charged close to $3,000.00 just to put a smile on a childs face. *Thanks everyone for your comments & concern, but this will be my last post on THIS website due to personal reasons.* HEAVEN SENT...HMMMM.????
Comment by Lee on July 31, 2011 at 6:47pm


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