Ok..My daughter is 6 years old and I was fixing her hair so I could take her to gymnastics and I found about a quarter size spot in the back of her hair. I feel so sad for her. When I went to the doctor last week I asked him about it and he gave me some gel to start using on her hair twice a day...but he said that it was unusual to see a mother and daughter with AA. Does anyone know if that is unusual? She is very supportive of me though and she always says,"mommy if you lose all of your hair then I'll shave mine off and we can be just alike". I think seeing a spot in her hair hurt me worse than seeing mine!

Views: 8

Comment by Ms. Elizabeth on June 21, 2009 at 1:31am
We have a lot in commenmy kids are in gymnastics too! they are very supportive of me. my daughter is 5 years old and she has a very beutifull haed of hair. all the way to her waist. it would absolutly break my heart if it was to start falling out. but in family relation my docters have told me it was rare as well but my sister has exremely bad thinning hair. not in huge spots like mine but all over her haed its thinner and thinner every time I see her! you can clearly see her head through her hair. ps. I am new here just joined tonite and have been loosing my hair for 9 and 1/2 years so im bawling my eyes out rite now
Comment by Jeff W on June 21, 2009 at 1:49am
I have a brother who had AA and my grandmother apparently also had it. I don't think there is any proven genetic link for AA, but there have been studies that suggest a significant number of people with AA have other family members who have also had AA. However bad it may be to deal with as an adult, I'm sure it's harder to watch your child go through it. Best wishes to both of you!
Comment by panuelo girl on June 21, 2009 at 3:17pm
I've heard that it runs in families but I've never seen that - It doesn't run in my family (just me) nor in my alopecian friends' families. But they say it is genetic, so I guess it's possible. The good news is that kids are resilient and though they can be mean they can also be very understanding and accepting. Good luck - hopefully your child won't be affected. I had a couple spots when I was a kid (starting at age 4) and mine all grew back easily and often w/o treatment. I didn't lose most of my hair until I was an adult. Best of luck to you!
Comment by Tony on June 22, 2009 at 12:18pm
Not Mother / daughter but Father / son...my Dad had it as a young man now it's my turn.
Comment by James on June 23, 2009 at 11:06pm
I'm the same as Tony...my Dad had it too but only mildly and for a short period of time. I on the other hand had AA since i was a wee lad then at 39 it all fell out everywhere in 3 weeks...so now I'm AT. But anyway, AA is genetic and parent/child links are not that uncommon. Don't blame yourself either Misty....there is no "fault" here. Whatever will be will be. kids are strong and understanding and it will help them if you try to act strong and confident so they can see, by example, that there is nothing wrong with having AA. All the more power to you.


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