I shave my head now and then. I let my hair get about half an inch long and then save it mainly because I’m lazy. Well, I have noticed that a little patch of hair is growing in. I have been deciding between shaving it off or seeing what the little hairs will do. You’d think that would make me happy but I don’t really have any emotions about it. That started me soul searching about it. I came up with 3 reasons for my lack of emotion. Number one would be that it would be silly for me to get excited over one small patch of hair (even if it is my bangs... hey, what can I say, I grew up in the 80's. The time of big hair and bangs.) when most of my lower head is bald as a babies butt. That did sound like a good enough reason but I could tell it wasn't the main reason so I kept searching. The second reason would be that I'm happy now being bald so why rock the boat. Ummm...WRONG! So I settled for my third reason. The third reason I could find for my lack of emotion (and I found it way deep down in side) is that even if all of my hair grew back just as wavy and beautiful as it was before I would still have to wear a wig. I would never be able to trust my body to let my hair live so the wig would forever be my crutch. I could never ever go through the transition of good hair, thin hair and back to wig again out in the public. I could not take it emotionally. I'm surprised I ever survived it at all when I look back on it. So I guess it's safe to say that I don't want my hair to grow back and I will continue to shave the new hairs off. It's sad but true that after 3 years I'm still not totally over this. Most of the time I am but every once in a while it still gets to me.

Views: 3

Comment by Tallgirl on February 15, 2009 at 10:44pm
Well, here's one thought: maybe the sunlight on a wigless head would do good health-wise. I know many of us tend to hide from the light, but years ago I met an AU man at a support group in Rancho Cordova, CA, who said he actually got peachfuzz the summer he spent in the Greek sun on vacation. Dermatologists have also told me that ANY sun, even just on arms, daily can create hair growth and better disposition (opposite of that cloudy day winter syndrome). So, if your hair did all come back, why not try that sun theory out by going without the wig at least in your own backyard for part of the day?
Comment by Donna Evans on August 5, 2009 at 1:13pm
That little spot that grew back in is GRAY! EEK...


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