Yesterday, on my way to my monthly appointment to clean and reattach my integration system I had two humorous moments of clarity.

I'm sitting in my car, and I pull off my headband-earmuff thing to go inside. My hair stands straight up. "Man, i knew this thing would give me hat hair," I say to myself. Then I burst out laughing. When my biggest problem is "hat hair," as apposed to "no hair," life is pretty good.


Im in the appointment and I'm waiting for my stylist to come back with my cleaned and prettied-up hair piece. Ive flipped through two magazines and now there's nothing left to do but stare blankly ahead. I'm looking in the mirror when I notice how long the regrowth on my shaved head is. As my eyes dart back and forth across the mirror, with a blank, glazed expression, it hits me. The top of my head makes me look exactly like a baby elephant. Another laughing fit ensues.

A year ago, 6 months ago, my aloepcia was no laughing matter. It felt like this curse that hung over me and strangled any second of happiness I could have. Now, It's something I only really think about when I see myself without my hair piece. The fact that I can even joke to myself about it now is a giant leap forward. And I have my hair system, and most of all this community, to thank for that.

Views: 10

Comment by Tim Irvine on January 9, 2011 at 11:55pm
Amazing progress Andrea. 6 months, a year from now you will feel even better and more accepting of it. Good luck! Tim
Comment by Gail on January 10, 2011 at 12:54pm
I've been in a similar situation, Andrea. I have lots of white hair on the sides and top, along with some of my original hair that never fell out. Last summer, I tried dying the white hair a nice shade of auburn to match the rest..... The color didn't take well and I ended up looking like a baby orangutan! Thank goodness for my wigs!

A year ago, I too was in the strangle hold of depression over this disorder, and I can attest that it does get better. Alopecia is a serious topic, but it's nice to know that we can find humor in our situations..
Comment by Devin on January 10, 2011 at 7:44pm
Andrea you’re too funny. I was picturing you with the glazed expression and then just laughing... baby elephant! That’s good, I wonder if anyone saw you. ha-ha I guess laughter is the first sign of recovery. You sound like you are doing great. Congratulations!
Comment by Ozzigal on January 12, 2011 at 8:20am
wow im venturing into wig terroritory its nice to know that you can still find a sense of us hope that you for that..
Comment by Diana Carter on January 12, 2011 at 7:15pm
It's nice to laugh about it sometimes, isn't it?!! Way to go!
Sounds like a jungle..reading all the elephant, orangutan, and cheetah...I love US! I think of mine as a battle field, with crop circles.
Gail, when I colored my hair auburn, it did not color my white hair either, but it SURE made my scalp auburn..LOL! Oh, the new things we will find out...can't wait to see what is next :) Love to all!


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