On Saturday June 11th in the evening, my 13 year old daughter Monica started to complain that she wasn't feeling well and her belly was hurting on the lower left side. She took a tylenol and didn't say anything else about the pain for the rest of the evening.
On Sunday morning she was again complaining of the same pain on the lower left side of her belly again. She went to next door to my grandmother's house for lunch (this happens every Sunday) but she came back within 30 minutes, telling me that she was really hurting bad. So we took her to Mercy Medical Center in Canton, Ohio. The ER doctor did an x-ray on her belly and said that she was completely impacted (full of shit), from top to bottom and constipated. They didn't do any blood work on her or take a urine sample. They sent her home and told her to drink this over-the-counter citrate liquid laxative. Well she drank that and nothing happened. So she took another tylenol and went to bed.
Monday she slept until about 1 or 2 in the afternoon, probably because of the tylenol. But she eventually got up and spent her day laying around on the couch. She didn't say much about her belly. I think she was just trying to ignore the pain and concentrate on going to the bathroom, since the ER doctor had said she was constipated. I called her pediatric doctor and she said to try another citrate liquid laxative. That passed right through her body.
By Tuesday she was really in a lot of pain. My best friend (Monica's God Mother) and I took her to Affinity Hospital in Massillion, Ohio at 1:30pm, to get a second opinion. The ER doctor there felt around her belly and she screamed and cried in pain. He told me that, before doing any tests, his educated guess about what was wrong with Monica was Acute Appedicitis. So he said that he would start an IV and take some blood. He also said that if he white blood cell count was elevated at all that would point to inflamation which could mean infection. And further more if elevated he would have to call the surgeon to come down and check Monica himself. So her count came back 19,000 (normal is 12,000) so that meant that something was wrong and it was not her bowels. She went in for a CT scan to see just what was inflamed. After waiting forever!.. the doctor finally came in with the bad news that they thought that her appendix had already erupted. So she would need emergency surgery right away.
They took her off to the OR and my mother and I waited in the family room for the phone call saying they were finished and how Monica was doing. After almost 2 hours they finally called and said that they were sewing her up and that it would be a little while yet before she would go into recovery.
The Surgeon came out the family room and showed us the pictures from the operation. It wasn't her appendix after all. But they removed it anyway so that we will not have that scare ever again. The real problem tho, was that her left ovary had a giant cyst on it that caused it to twist around and around enough to cut off the circulation of blood flow to the ovary, which caused it to become the size of a golf ball and it died. So the surgeon had to remove the left ovary through an incision much the same as a C-Section.
She pulled through the surgery but we had to spend 3 days and 2 nights at the hospital in order for them to keep her medicated and keep an eye on her, since she is only 13.
This whole thing was very scary for her and equally scary for me. Since they thought that her appedix had burst that meant that there was a chance that she wouldn't make it through.
I thank God everyday for blessing my family and watching over Monica. So even though she has lost her left ovary she will still live a normal female life and still be able to have babies when she gets older.

(All the stress made more of my hair fall out)

Views: 10

Comment by Tallgirl on July 17, 2009 at 11:35pm
Wow. And I thought MY appendicitis was bad a few years ago! Give that brave gal a hug from me!


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