WOW!! What a blessing! My first meeting was today, and it was amazing! I got to meet lots of new friends, and there were Alopecians there from children to adults. Our guest speaker was Tracey Casey-Arnold, an Alopecian for 36 years, since the age of 6, who has her own business called Whatever It Takes. She recommended a book to us called 3 seconds, and spoke of how it takes 3 seconds to fuel your passion. We need to all find what our great passion is, and to embrace it! We can all change our mindset, in only 3 seconds.
She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. Of course, there were tears (mostly mine), and a heartfelt warmth, of sharing with others that all can relate to each other on one level or the other. I was so anxious about my first meeting, I could hardly go to sleep last night, and then, by 5 am, I was awake this morning, and again, I couldn't sleep. The youngest of our group today was two young boys, ages 7 & 8, both living their lives, happy, energetic boys, and they were both precious! As with our journeys, where every story is different, it was obvious to me, the same holds true with how we cope with AA, and our choices that we make with it. For some, a wig; others, a scarf. Some choose the steroid injections, while others, opt not to have treatments at all. Some were so thankful to have a support group to go to, having grown up without the much needed support. I feel lucky. The support has been there for me the day I was diagnosed. Educating myself was also a big help to me. When I was diagnosed, I had never heard of Alopecia Areata.."I have what?" I was the newest Alopecian there today.

Alopecia we ever get used to it? "Emotional roller coaster" I heard from many. How true! With no predictability, no cure, and no guarantees that the treatments will even help, that's only the beginning: THAT I have figured out.

By the time we get "used to" where we are with our Alopecia, then it hits us with something else.

Examples: Ok, I am used to my hair falling out now..and then it stops. I am used to being bald, then my hair is now growing in. I am used to now having hair again, then,'s falling out again. Always wondering, "what's next?". There are no black and white answers for any of us. Everyone's story is different. Some cope well. Others, not so well. Where am I?? I am only just beginning to find out. I feel like I must be strong. It will be easier on my family if I am.

At first I thought it would be easy. I went to the store the other night with my baseball cap on. Not being a hat person, I was so self-conscious that ppl were looking at me. Who am I kidding to think I won't be self-conscious with a scarf, or wig, or bald?

When I fould out my insurance would not pay for my treatments, I was so floored. I felt they took that choice away from me. That power. But there are LOTS of other choices I have that I CAN make! I guess the bottom line after today for me is this: I have Alopecia: it does NOT have me!

Views: 33

Comment by Tallgirl on November 14, 2010 at 1:55am
So right! And just today, after dancing last night with people I joined at a restaurant who looked like they were having fun, I have decided to NOT let alopecia keep me from singing and dancing and acting out songs I enjoy at Starbuck's or anywhere else in town. This is MY town, and I can be a character in it. I need friends, I have no pride left to lose after the last ten years, so...SO WHAT? I am a rock star! NO MORE WAITING TO BE ME!!!
Comment by Diana Carter on November 14, 2010 at 3:36pm
You keep right on dancin' hon! You ARE a star!!
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on November 14, 2010 at 7:21pm
Diane I am so glad your meeting was a positive event. I can not wait till I mentally get were I am no longer letting AA control me and my emotions. I bet you were on cloud nine when you left your meeting. Hugs and love.......
Comment by Angie P on November 14, 2010 at 7:50pm
{{{{Diana}}}} That sounds so cool. Being in the midst of a group of folks that just "get it" must be so reassuring. I'm glad that you had such wonderful experience!

I'm a book-o-holic so I automatically had to look. Here's a link in case anyone else is interested.
Comment by Angie P on November 14, 2010 at 7:51pm
Oops. The link didn't post. Maybe it's not allowed.

Here's the complete title. I found it at Amazon. "3 Seconds: The Power of Thinking Twice", by Les Parrot
Comment by Diana Carter on November 14, 2010 at 10:47pm
Oh, thank you all so much!! I love the compassion and support here on AW! The friendships I have made here are priceless! Angie...thank you for the info on the book! I really want to get it..I could use a change in my thought process!!

Kimberly, This book that was recommended sounds exactly like it would help you and I both! I need to learn to re-channel those negative thoughts and turn them to productive ones!!! If I can find any additional information on this book, I will post it here for any others that may be interested! Our guest speaker was so fantastic..her dream is to become the Dear Abby of Alopecians! I believe she is well on her way!
Comment by Diana Carter on November 14, 2010 at 10:59pm
Review of 3 Seconds: The Power of Thinking Twicem by Les Parrot, PhD
Just three seconds. The time it takes to make a decision. That's all that lies between settling for "Whatever" ... or insisting on "Whatever it takes."

3 Seconds shows how to unleash the inner resources that can move you to a whole new level of success. It comes down to six predictable impulses that most of us automatically accept without a second thought. You can replace them with new impulses that lead toward impact and significance. For instance, it takes Three Seconds to ...

Disown Your Helplessness: The First Impulse: "There's nothing I can do about it." The Second Impulse: "I can't do everything, but I can do something."

Quit Stewing and Start Doing: The First Impulse: "Someday I'm going to do that." The Second Impulse: "I'm diving in ... starting today."

Fuel Your Passion: The First Impulse: "I'll do what happens to come my way." The Second Impulse: "I'll do what I'm designed to do."

Inhale ... exhale ... the difference of your lifetime can begin in the space of a single breath. The decision is yours. Start today.
Comment by Diana Carter on November 14, 2010 at 11:10pm
Here is review of the book I found online:

5.0 out of 5 stars Two Good Reasons for Five Stars, February 7, 2008
By Tom Carpenter "-" (Marysville, OH)

This review is from: 3 Seconds: The Power of Thinking Twice (Hardcover)
I think this is a five star book for two good reasons:

1) The author gives you practical self-talk phrases to replace common thinking that leads to pessimism.

These phrases are the answer to, "How do I become more optimistic?" For example, the phrase "I love a challenge" is useful as an alternative thought to "I don't know how I'll get through this". We know from years of psychological research and analysis that "what you repeat you believe" as long as the thing repeated is not countered with strong evidence. The reality is that by repeating to yourself "I love a challenge" you are likely to begin seeing challenges as positive instead of negative.

2) Chapter 3, It Takes 3 Seconds to Fuel Your Passion, is a ten star chapter by itself.

This chapter is one of the best summaries of developing passion that I've ever seen. I've told my seminar attendees for a decade now that your energy comes from your passion more than your plate. By this I mean that while eating right and exercising are important they do not give you the amazing energy of a driving passion. This chapter gives you the clear steps to creating passion. Get a vision "of the future that gives passion in the present." In other words, don't just envision "a" future, but envision a future that quickens your heartbeat and excites you to action. Purpose is the propelling force behind passion.

I often tell my students that purpose leads to passion. Passion leads to energy. Energy leads to action and actions produce results. It all starts with your vision or purpose.

This book was inspiring and I think you'll find it very helpful.


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