Hiya all...its been a while since I have written anything

I wanted to share with you, my AW family the next big step I took on my alopecia journey. The other day after work I went into a store without anything on my head. Normally I wear a scarf while at work and I remove it upon entering my jeep at the end of the day. Well this day I needed to pick up a few things at the drug store and instead of putting the scarf back on for a 10 minute trip inside, I kept it off. I was still sporting my sunglasses, but it was a great feeling not to cover up. There is lots of times where I will still cover my head, but after this experience I will know its because I choose to and not because I feel the need to cover up. I have even gone out another time to the gas station without any covering. Let people think whatever they wish, Im not going to let them dictate my happiness.
There was a moment earlier this month that I would never thought I would have taken this step. During my networking I came across another alopecian group. And always wanting to connect with others with alopecia, I started communicating with them. Quickly I started feeling really down about myself. I felt all the hard work I put into feeling good about myself and my having alopecia was for nil. That those around me telling me how fabulous I was, were lieing to me. It occurred to me that this was not the people I needed to be listening to. For me it was wrong. Since then I have blocked communications with them but I wish them all the best in there endeavors. What is wrong for me doesnt mean its wrong for someone else.
I want to state right now that I will not mention who this group was for 1. it doesnt matter and 2. I believe its up to every individual to make their own opinion without someone elses influence. The only reason Im sharing this with my AW family is to remind everyone that its YOU that controls your happiness. Its YOU who decides which people's energy you want near you and influencing your actions and your feelings. Dont let anyone take THAT away from you. There is much that can be learned from others but if it doesnt feel right to you then its probably not.

Take care all you beautiful people

PS. just as a side note .... I had a meeting with one of the guys at the Edmonton Capitals baseball team, that assists in setting up events. He took the time to look up NAAF and research about alopecia before meeting with me. He has many wonderful ideas for my first awareness event and Im looking forward to see how everything comes together.

Views: 39

Comment by Sunshine on July 22, 2011 at 5:50am
Yeah for you. I know it feels great to go uncovered. The more you do it the more you want to because you are more comfortable with it each time. I pray all goes well with your event.
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 22, 2011 at 8:34am
I just love you!!!!!!!!
You are not only courageous but very beautiful you give some of us hope on here that we will be able to do this one day our selves, your blog was touching to me.
I so far only got as close as a scarf on my head when I go out, next step is to show the world I am proud to be bald and have nothing to be ashamed of, I know I will get there!!!!
Love ya beautiful xox
Comment by Lisa Santer on July 22, 2011 at 10:38am
Good for you, Terri! Glad you're going out as you wish. Glad also that you recognized the other group wasn't for you. I also feel it's important to be around people who help me rise.

Good luck with the Capitals!
Comment by David B327 on July 24, 2011 at 3:14am
Well done Terri.

That's good news about your event. I hope it is a success.
Comment by MiNAH on July 24, 2011 at 3:54am
Once the fear is gone, there is nothing to hide ever again ... and life is seen through very different lenses, perspective!
"MADAM STRUT" Do yo ThanG!!!!
Comment by Evan on July 24, 2011 at 6:24am
Congrats on your decision and enjoy the freedom : )
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on July 24, 2011 at 6:57am
It's been a very liberating feeling not feeling that I need to cover up. I do it strictly by choice now. Or the weather...LOL. Letting go of the fear of what others might think, which such an easy concept, is a battle within ourselves. But once done one time, easier and easier. It's reading wonderful encouraging and inspiring comments and blogs here that has helped me make it thru these steps
Thank you so very much for showing me the way to the sunlight
Comment by Merrymann on October 26, 2022 at 5:27am

It sounds great!

Comment by Merrymann on October 26, 2022 at 5:28am

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