Wow so much has happened this summer. My first annual alopecia event that I put to together in my city was a wonderful success. I met many people within my city that also have alopecia. Adults and children. Many of which knew nothing of this wonderful site and all you wonderful people here. It was nerve racking to step out in front of the audience at the baseball game and tell everyone why I was here. And it happened all so fast. My plan was to walk out and tell everyone why I was here and then introduce the start of the game with a "LETS PLAY BALL!" and take off my hat, but with the nerves and the speed of everything, I forgot :( oh well there is always next time. As you all can see from my video clip I posted here after the event. I spent more and more time with out wearing anything on my head. Making trips to the store and going for walks not having a care of what others think. Besides if anyone stops to ask me, all the more reason to bring awareness to alopecia. and to show off my new head tatt. My gift to myself after celebrating my first year of taking back control of my life from alopecia. Thank you everyone for showing me how to do that.
One of the biggest achievements from the awareness event was that I connected with 2 different families where the little girls each had alopecia. one where the girl was very shy and somewhat hiding (which makes me regret even more of not taking off my hat on the field) and another little girl who knows no different about her hair loss and is going to be starting her first year of school this year. Which brings me to my next project. The parents of this little girl is concerned how the other kids are going to treat her. And I decided my next project is going to be school presentations!!! EGAD!!! My best friend is a teacher aswell as her husband. So with their help, Im working on a presentation that I can take to the schools. And just recently in my company's newsletter there was a posting from HR asking for inspiring stories to be submitted. Which will be chosen thru and published in the next newsletter. Well guess what I did. LOL Yup submitted a story. I will later on post my story here to share with you all. I always thought of things happening for a reason and I guess this is one example of that just happening. why else would one year after I took back control of my life, would I find the strength to speak out about alopecia, then to start an event, meet children with alopecia, which drives me to help them by making school presentations. Only to have for the first time, the possibility of having my story published in my company's newsletter. My boyfriend calls me a Beacon of Fabulousity.... Im starting to believe it. :)
Thank you all for all the love and support and strength you have shown me. My hope is only to bring some of what I learned here with others.

Views: 156

Comment by Tallgirl on September 8, 2011 at 9:03pm
Do you think NAAF or CAP has guidelines, so we can all deveop letters to send to schools in our own communities for listing ourselves (referral, support, talks on bullies, to give info on alopecia, etc.)? I have been thinking about this, and as a teacher with some counseling/communication background, and being jobless, in terms of doing it for a speaker's fee.
Comment by David B327 on September 9, 2011 at 9:35am
Well done Terri!!! Just goes to show what you can achieve with a positive mental attitude.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 9, 2011 at 8:30pm
Tallgirl....I'm not sure, I haven't actually thought to look. Since my friends are teachers and often help with presentations. I would like to think both NAAF & CAP would have some guidelines for presentations. I think you should definitely look into doing some presentations at schools. I believe you will, as I have, find it truly rewarding.
David....thank you so much
Comment by Diana Carter on September 9, 2011 at 10:48pm
I am so extremely proud of you Terri!!! ... and I LOVE that AMAZING tatoo!
Comment by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on September 9, 2011 at 10:53pm
That's fantastic Terri, I'm happy your event was successful. I hope I will be as lucky as you one week from today with my event. Fingers crossed. Kudos to you!
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 10, 2011 at 6:58am
thank you ladies
Im sure Lili, your event is going to awesome. You are so talented. I wish I was closer to take in the event
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on September 11, 2011 at 8:55pm
Terri, what you have to say is very interesting and relevant, but, without paragraphs, one giant block of sentences are very hard for many people (including myself) to read, especially if you're going to start advocating for alopecia and sending out letters. You might want to consider separating each thought with a space. Much easier on the eyes, and to comprehend!
Comment by MiNAH on September 12, 2011 at 1:58am
Hey Miss Fabulousity!!!! What a name... shine that beacon of light!
Comment by David B327 on September 12, 2011 at 10:03am
Miss Fabulousity sounds god but how about Fabulousity Bald? Hmmm - I feel tempted to start using that myself. It sounds like a Bond Girl.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 12, 2011 at 9:40pm
Thanks so much MiNah and David. I like the idea being a bond girl. Incredibly strong, sexy and independent, what's not to like. :)


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