My headscarf was mistaken for a hijab!

So, yesterday was my first day of wearing my headscarf out in public. I spent days agonizing over buying a nice purple scarf and a beautiful lace cap to wear underneath it. After feeling confident enough with the look, I went out and did some shopping and errands at the shopping centre.
A Muslim woman at the post office complimented me on my scarf and asked where I had purchased it. Which was really nice :)
Then when I went to the bakery, the woman who served me spoke to me in Arabic!!! After I explained that I don't speak Arabic, she said sorry and pointed to my scarf. I then explained why I was wearing it, etc., and she complimented me on how nice it was......
Has this happened to anyone else?? I never even thought of this occurring!!! I'm not annoyed or anything... just wondered if this is common....

Views: 443

Comment by Michelle on August 11, 2011 at 12:01am
This has never happened to me yet. I guess it's more common to see black woman with scarves on so no one ever questions it. I would love to see a picture of you with your scarf on though :) Looking for some new ways to wear mine.
Comment by Dee on August 11, 2011 at 1:34am
I just wore a thin cap with a lace edge, and a very long scarf around the top and tied to the side. I will post a pic up soon :) My family said I looked like the girl on the cover of "Girl with a pearl earring" book :) I guess it is more common to see a black woman in a head scarf... or maybe me wearing a really long scarf just looked too similar. I do see a lot of the beautiful young Muslim women wear their scarves tied back instead of in the traditional way... so I guess it's similar... I think the beautiful fabrics the Muslim women wear are lovely! so I'm flattered ;)
Comment by Dominique on August 18, 2011 at 8:44pm
I used to wear a scarf when I worked at woolworths on the checkouts, just a plain black one. At least 3 times I got asked if I was Muslim. At first I was confused, but then I worked it out. I found it odd - because even if they thought I was Muslim, what exactly were they thinking that it was any of their business to ask.

Of course, I also had a woman ask me how I coped with losing my "crowning glory" while I was working in that job. I don't think people have a lot of respect for check out staff.


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