Hi all. I have decided to keep a journal about my AA journey - as much for myself as anything eles as things always seem less of a issue when I've got them written down. Please feel free to add your thoughts and ideas because I feel that this journey is going to be just as much about the people I encounter as the issues I face. Anyways here goes.

Friday 24th Oct 08 - After a few weeks of losing hair by the bucket load and putting it down to summer shedding, my shampoo and what ever eles seemed lodgical, I found my first bald spot. Nice, shinny and about the size of a golf ball - oh my god. I spent most of the day on the internet reading up about Alopecia, quite a scarey mixed up day.

Wednesday 29th Oct 08 - Finely got in to see a doctor who confirmed what I already knew Alopecia Areata. My bald spots have increased and the hair around my hair line appears to be thinning. My biggest question and the one that no one can answer is "When will this stop?" I think about my hair all the time, worry that people will notice and the tears come when ever they feel like it.

Monday 3rd Nov 08 - Well I've just had a shower and can't believe the amount of hair I have lost. You'd think the more hair you lose the less noticable it would be coming out - seems to be the opposite. I've always had a lot of hair so it's still some what hidden but I can see the change and it's freaky. From my hair line to beyond my ears it has thinned as well as having patches. The top of my head is scattered with little patches and no matter how I part it you can see something. My fringe is just about gone. My head feels the cold winds (really weird feeling) and I look like I've had a major thinning all over. Being in public is a nightmare, I stress that people can see my patches. One thing I've noticed is that not all hair loss has caused total bald patches - some hair seems to snap off leaving stubble (what's with that). Mentaly I have my ups and downs, the crying is getting less and the joking with my family has started. I freaked out my daughters (14 & 12) by telling them if I lose all my hair I'm getting a tattoo on my head - they totally 'wigged' out. Hubby is tattooist so I was quite surprised by their reaction. Family is really supportive but I still feel somewhat alone (weird).

Friday 7th Nov 08
My hair loss seems to be slowing now - could be because I have less to fall out now (who knows). I think there is new hair on my first bald area although under that one a new one has formed and is spreading closer and closer. If they meet that'll be huge. Thoughts are mixed at the moment. I'm not dieing, I'm not half as bad as some of the people on here, no one really knows yet. But still, why me, it's a big deal to me, I'm obsessed with my hair etc etc - what a weirdo aye.

Anyways that's me up to date - sorry if I ramble but as I said it makes me feel better. Till next time cya

Views: 11

Comment by Amber Lounder on November 7, 2008 at 10:52pm
Hi Karen
I'll have to agree with bogie What you're describing happened to me about 2 months ago Sorry to tell you but I lost it all and now my brows and lashes are falling out It was the hardest thing I ever went through and still am going through
This disease certainly makes you feel sooo alone, I understand :)
It gets easier, the trauma eases off and you'll be able to think of other stuff soon It does come back though occasionally I think thats why this site is so good When it gets me down coming here always makes me feel better
Take Care
big smiles
Comment by Karen on November 9, 2008 at 3:17am
9th Nov 08 - Happy Birthday to me. 37, overweight, hair falling out and what is there needs a dye touch up to cover those greys again. Me and hubby have decided to hold back on dying my hair or straightening it at the moment which is driving me a little insaine (grey hair really stands out when you have almost black hair). Oh well, never mind - ya get that aye.

37 seems rather old today, I've never had issues with my age but 37 seems different.

Hair loss quite bad today (man I hate washing my hair), scalp has felt like it was burning for the last few days so I'm guessing that's all part of it. Covering the balding bit right at the front is really tricky at the moment, it doesn't matter how I part it. Went to the local shopping mall and felt like everyone could see - paranoid or what. I'm sure people have much more exciting lives than need to study everyones hair all day - but man I HATE the wind. Have stolen hubby's cap and am getting use to wearing it rather than run the risk of sun burn but need to find something just for me, something different and cool.

Latest lot of offered advise has included peppermint oil, zinc, onions and to stop stressing. umm I really don't know. hubby came up with the best i think - a really good multi vitiman. To me that makes sense, if it works great, if it doesn't then at least I'll be in tip top form everywhere else.

Last but not least - my diet starts tomorrow, well I'm going to watch what I eat and start walking for exercise again. My son enjoys walks in the pram so I should make the most of it.

Anyways, now that I've bored you all silly, I'll sign off and catch up again soon. Cya
Comment by Yen on May 6, 2009 at 10:22pm
Hey Karen. I've read all your blog posts and am both entertained and informed by them. You have described exactly what's been happening to me and I thought that if you could take it in stride, then I could too. You have such an amazing attitude towards alopecia. Losing buckloads of hair every day can get a little depressing and you worry all the time about what other people would think. But then I thought I need to stop fretting about it. People are going to judge you no matter what - hair or no hair. If it isn't hair, then it'll be something else, and more importantly, those who don't care either way are actually the people who matter. Thank you Karen. Your blogs made me feel enormously better. =)


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