9th Nov 08 - Happy Birthday to me. 37, overweight, hair falling out and what is there needs a dye touch up to cover those greys again. Me and hubby have decided to hold back on dying my hair or straightening it at the moment which is driving me a little insaine (grey hair really stands out when you have almost black hair). Oh well, never mind - ya get that aye.

37 seems rather old today, I've never had issues with my age but 37 seems different.

Hair loss quite bad today (man I hate washing my hair), scalp has felt like it was burning for the last few days so I'm guessing that's all part of it. Covering the balding bit right at the front is really tricky at the moment, it doesn't matter how I part it. Went to the local shopping mall and felt like everyone could see - paranoid or what. I'm sure people have much more exciting lives than need to study everyones hair all day - but man I HATE the wind. Have stolen hubby's cap and am getting use to wearing it rather than run the risk of sun burn but need to find something just for me, something different and cool.

Latest lot of offered advise has included peppermint oil, zinc, onions and to stop stressing. umm I really don't know. hubby came up with the best i think - a really good multi vitiman. To me that makes sense, if it works great, if it doesn't then at least I'll be in tip top form everywhere else.

Last but not least - my diet starts tomorrow, well I'm going to watch what I eat and start walking for exercise again. My son enjoys walks in the pram so I should make the most of it.

Anyways, now that I've bored you all silly, I'll sign off and catch up again soon. Cya

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