So I guess it's about time I posted a blog especially since I've gotten my first hairpiece for a month now!

I've had alopecia areata since i was 13, at first I noticed that the hairline on my temples were reciding but I did not take much notice of it until one day my cousin decided she wanted to style my hair and freaked out as she discovered some bald spots. At first I told my parents but they ignored me until months later when it started getting worse and thought it could be something serious. Initially the doctors were unsure and it took a while for them to refer me to a dermatologist and diagnose me with AA. So long story short, 3/4 of my hs years I had AA and it was very noticable. I pretty much brushed it off, pretended nothing was wrong (didn't bother wearing hats/wig...even though it was more than obvious to everyone else) and used cortisone creams/injections. AA got me really depressed and I suppose my other health issues didn't make me feel any better. Despite everything, I continued with life (but I do admit I let this condition hold me back and I do regret it sometimes..). Moreoever, near the end of this depressing time, I was able to find God and realize that I'm still really blessed!

By the beginning of university most of my hair had grown back and I suppose I repressed some memories...because until last year I have forgotten about my AA. Last April I found another spot and my hair started falling out faster than last time. I thought I would be better prepared but I wasn't. However, this time I was able to open up to my closer friends and my bf who have been very supportive and loving. Although initially I felt really depressed, everyone around me made me realize that i'm still me without my hair. I also know that this time around I have God and this is another obstacle that He has given me perhaps to strengthen me.I also took the initiative to get a hair piece because I've lost most of my hair, I still feel pretty self conscious but I really don't want my hair -or lack of- hold me back from anything. [I attached a picture of my new hairpiece] For the last 4-5 months I've been wearing hats because the spots have gotten so big that people can see my scalp. More recently, (a month ago) I got a new hairpiece and although I still feel like it's noticable, my friends/bf/family keep reassuring me it looks I just have to be less paranoid haha.

Anyways, I'm still having trouble dealing with my AA because it seems like it's becoming AT...
but it's ok, my bf/friends still love me! :) and I feel so blessed that I have all these ppl that are so supportive!

p.s. sorry if this sounds incoherent, I've been having insomnia lately =/

Views: 11

Comment by Jennifer Krahn on April 20, 2009 at 9:32pm
Would not be able to tell AT ALL that you are wearing a hairpiece. You look great.
Comment by Melinda on April 21, 2009 at 12:29pm
I think your hairpiece looks lovely, it really suits you. I'm getting to that stage too at the moment (but i live in hats) so i'm going to start looking for a piece. I think that yours looks really natural.
Hope you feel better about it soon, being surrounded by people who understand and love you no matter what can make a huge difference. I'm sure the more you wear it the easier it will get.
Comment by Liz on April 22, 2009 at 12:11am
Thanks girls! My friends and family tell me it looks almost like my hair (except it's thinner and thicker) but it's ok, close enough. I still get pretty paranoid but it has become a lot easier.
Comment by elle on April 23, 2009 at 4:39pm
actually, the that hair looks so good and real on you:)
Comment by Liz on April 25, 2009 at 1:53am
Ya...I did a lot of research ...but when I got this it was through impulse from Allegria and it cost me 1500! I have never bought something this expensive before, I felt guilty for spending so much on a piece for months (because it took 2 months for them to make it) and initially I didn't even tell my parents and bf =(


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