My very first blog - advice would be appreciated

Well, this is the first time I have written a blog on here, but I figure it's a good way of getting things off my chest.

I first noticed a tiny bald patch about the size of a penny on the top of my head back in August and I started to panic. I went to the doctor and chatted with friends and they all told me not to worry as it was most likely stress. This made me feel a lot better. I was travelling to Canada for 7 weeks 2 days later for work, so I went and put the bald patch out of my mind. Then I remembered I had got a french plait done on the top of my head and the girl who did it pulled my hair really tightly to make sure it would stay in for a few days, so I googled....It was there I learned about traction alopecia and I thought this might be what I had. The patch has since become bigger. I was then sent to Spain for work for 6 weeks. The patch got bigger again, but I was still able to cover it up. Then on the week I was due to come home, I noticed another tiny patch on the back of my head...this was 3 weeks ago and I have also found another 3 small patches. I went to the doctor in Spain who told me I had alopecia areata and this was caused by stress so he gave me a steroid liquid called Betnovate and also pills to help relax me. When I got back home I went straight to my doctor who told me its not stress and I will prob have to come to terms with losing all my hair. This of course was a bit of a shock and I was really upset, but then I had a chat with myself and tried to be positive about it. Of course I have bad days when I cry about it but then I tell myself to stop as there are people out there with life threatening illnesses. I am determined not to let this beat me. The path on top of my head is now about the size of an oreo cookie (thats the best way I can describe it lol) ... I can still cover it but if it gets bigger I may have trouble, especially as there are more patches throughout my head. I went wig shopping the other and wasnt happy with the selection. I really want one that is close to my own colour but I think it will be very hard for me to find that :( Can anyone recommend anywhere I could get a good quality wig. I am willing to pay whatever it takes. In the meantime, my head has been itching like crazy, mostly at night time and I have been lead to believe this could be regrowth...I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping this is the case and that I wont lose all my hair. A close friend told me the exact same thing happened to her sister and she was told she was losing her hair due to having low protein intake, so she started taking more protein rich foods and her hair grew back. I went to the health shop as they are more helpful than my doc and I got a vitamin to help my hair and also a multivitamin that helps with stress, fatigue, hair regrowth etc so I am hoping this could work. I have also been trying to eat a bit more protein as I dont like milk, red meat etc so I know I am not taking a lot of protein. If anyone could offer any kind of advice I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks for reading!

Sarah xo

Views: 18

Comment by Sarah McA on January 5, 2010 at 1:23pm
Thank you all so much for your nice comments..

Annie, I believe we could all learn a lot from Klara..she has such a positive attitude for such a young girl, you must be very proud of her.

Brenda.. I know where you're coming from when you say that diet plays a big part and I will be the first to admit I don't have a good diet at all lol I am trying to make a conscious effort to eat more protein rich foods, eggs, etc and am also taking supplements. i will also definitely try the peanut and almond butter you suggested.

Nimisha, I know exactly how you must feel. If I'm being honest, I have learned a lot more from this site and had a lot more support from people on here than I have from my own doctors. I honestly believe some doctors don't want to take alopecia seriously because they don't know too much about it. I have learned that this condition is very unpredictable and it really sucks but try to stay positive. I know its a lot easier said than done. I had a really bad day today and I cried a lot and I noticed a lot of my hair fell out during this. I am def convinced this is all down to stress and I am going to try my hardest not to worry because it seems to be a vicious circle. You are very beautiful and seem like a lovely person. I hope things get better for you.

Lynne, wow, it did happen quickly for you. I'm sorry to hear the way in which you lost your hair. I know what you mean about looking at other peoples hair. I find myself doing it all the time, or wondering 'is that her real hair?' The thing that upsets me the most is that other people used to tell me how beautiful my hair was and I took it for granted. Same goes for me, if you ever need to chat, I am always here.

On a different note, I am going for my first wig fitting tomorrow. I am really excited and hoping I find one that I like!

Keep smiling everyone xo
Comment by nimisha on January 5, 2010 at 1:31pm
Hi Sarah....if you don't mind,could you please tell me the brand or company from where you purchase your wig??.I am trying to look for a good quality wig with a comparatively moderate price(as i am a student).
Comment by Sarah McA on January 5, 2010 at 1:37pm
Yes of course...I am going to a store called tresses which is in Belfast...I'm not sure if there are any in England, I know there are a few different branches here in Northern Ireland. Here is the link to the website I got it from a girl off this site. I mentioned that I am quite fusst about what I want and she said she was too but she got a really good quality wig from here. I'm not sure what the prices are like though. I hope this helps
Comment by Ray Kirkham on February 3, 2010 at 2:07am
The only advice I feel qualified to give in this matter is to not let this blot out in your mind all the good things there are in life. I surely understand trying to counter the problem is there is a counter one can do, but if it turns out to be a life consuming battle it can use up a lot of energy, not to mention money, better expended on living a good life. You sound so sensible about it, I feel you can feel great as long as your overall health does not suffer. LOL RAY

P.S. Someone recently asked me why no photo. I need a better internet connection and I will post a picture. Unfortunately this will not be till next month. AA may be a problem but dialup sucks.
Comment by Sarah McA on February 10, 2010 at 4:35am
Ray and Shoshana, thanks for your nice words. I am slowly coming to terms with this alopecia. I have lost more than 3/4 of my hair and I am certain by next week I will be completely bald, if not almost. I am fine with that though. I have 2 great wigs and noone can tell. I think this has made me a lot stronger and has given me courage I never knew I had. I am looking at alopecia as a test. I've never failed a test before and I wont fail this one. I'm very sorry to hear about your fathers death Shoshana, that must have been a really hard time for you, but you got through it. I guess we are all dealt certain cards and this is the card we have been dealt. If this is the worst I am going to have it in my lifetime then I can handle it.

Looking forward to your photo Ray! lol


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