So I have definitely neglected this site lately. I don’t even remember the last time I spent more than 5 minutes on this site. For a while I was spending at least an hour a day on here. It not that I don’t like this site or anything, I still love it and think its great support. It’s just my life has been changing so fast and I haven’t had a chance to even stop and catch my breath.

In the last few months I have moved to a different part of the state (just for the school year, but its different moving out and moving on), I’ve started at a new college, started a new major (finally in an actual Phys Ed major, instead of just being in a transfer program). And if that wasn’t enough I added a concentration to my major, Adaptive PE (specializing in working with and including students with disabilities, both mental and physical, in PE classes). It’s just been crazy.

But one thing I haven’t forgotten is my disease. I still battle the emotions that come with it. I no longer have to shave the hair spots every day on my head. I don’t even have any hair on my scalp anymore. Also I’ve lost my eyebrows. The hair took about a year for all of it to go, the eyebrows about a month.

The hardest part about this is still the confidence issues though. Being in a teacher program is kind of helping. I can’t hide it under a hat anymore like I did at first. My professors wont let me wear hats in class. Also I’m working in an after-school program at a catholic elementary school (as a lab for one of my classes). There I have to dress professionally, which means no hat. I’ve had a couple kids say I look funny, or ask me why I have no hair. After explaining that I just don’t have hair at all they quickly move on and act like nothings wrong. It’s refreshing.

I did have one kid say that their father is bald too, and then they asked how old I was (oh god) haha.

So I’m going to attempt to get back on here more often and go back to commenting people and reading blogs and the forums. Its still hard not knowing anyone personally who has this disease too.

I am trying to get to the conference in june, but money is an issue right now. I’m working on that though. I think it’d be a great experience for me and also it’d be nice to see another city in the US that I haven’t seen yet.

Hope everyone else out there is well. There are a lot of new faces on here which is great. So for all those people I have missed, welcome. It’s a great place here, and has helped me tons.


Views: 2

Comment by JeffreySF on March 20, 2009 at 2:00pm
Hey Drew,

Welcome back to AW.
I still spend time here everyday and I really enjoy it.
Meeting fellow alopecians in person is a really great way to fell acceptance and understanding. Try and find a local support group in your area.
I hope you can make the conference.

Comment by Billie on March 20, 2009 at 4:26pm
Hey Drew! We all have so much going on these days. I only check in once a week or so. I am thinking that it just means we are dealing with the diease, Living Life -& not dwelling on it. That is a good thing. Times are tougth everywhere and most people are starpped for extra $$ these days, hopefully that will change soon. I know I am praying that things will change soon for the better. Take care an keep that chin up!
Comment by Joshua on March 21, 2009 at 12:31pm
Hi Drew,

Welcome back to Alopecia World. As a support group, you're always more than welcome to find comfort, encouragement and occasionally some advice. Generally, you are coping with alopecia well, the confidence issue with always be there, unfortunately. Eventhough the society seems to be more open to male baldness, it doesnt mean that guys with alopecia areata does not have any confidence issue to worry about. Without eyebrows and eyelashes, a shiny smooth head and sometimes smooth arms and legs, it can be very different from those who chose to shave their head bald.

I believe it would be terrific if you could meet another person with alopecia in person, it sort of reinforces the thought that you're not alone. With the global economic slump, travelling has been more of luxurious thing especially for the middle class. There are NAAF scholarships offered annually to help those who would be financial incapable of attending the conference. I strongly suggest that you should try it. If not, a couple of dollars a day for 90 days would itself be sufficient to buy you a flight ticket in June (The easiet way to safe bucks is to eat out less and prepare your own lunch or dinner and I have quit going to starbucks for coffee for about a year now).

I still deal with confidence issues now and then sometimes, I can imagine. Keep your chins up...and live your dreams and life to the fullest.

God bless.

Comment by Danielle on March 22, 2009 at 8:42am
HI Drew,
hope everything is going well...I know how the whole transfering and college thing can be stessfull I am going through it right now.
Good Luck with everything


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