When I was two years old I lost all of my hair including my eyelashes.
By the time I was in elementary school I got pink eye ALL the time because bacteria could get in my eyes due to the fact that I didn't have eyelashes. So, after several cases of pink eye, my body decided that I needed my eyelashes and they grew back.
16 years later.. I guess my body decided I don't need them anymore because guess what? As of today (November 23rd, 2010) my last eyelash just fell out.
Last week I noticed that my eyelashes were SUPER thin and when I went to put on mascara I couldn't do it because every time I touched them, they just fell out.
See, I literally do not care at all that I have no hair.. whatever I'm bald. Deal with it. It's hot ;) It does not upset me one single bit.. but for some reason when my eyelashes started falling out, I lost it. I balled my eyes out. My boyfriend told me I'm crazy and that I'm gorgeous either way, however, he understood why I was upset. It was so weird because I literally have never been upset about my alopecia. Ever. So anyways, I took that day just to cry and let it all out. After that.. I got over it. Whenever I have free time I have fun trying new, cool, fun ways to do my makeup because I can't do it the way I always have.
Yes. It's SO weird not having eyelashes anymore. But, I'm not going to spend the rest of my days crying over it. I just accepted it and got over it. It is weird to see pictures of myself from like.. two weeks ago where my eyelashes were full and beautiful, but whatever, this is like.. not an entirely new chapter in my life.. it's like.. a new paragraph in my chapter right now. Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyways, I just felt that I needed to get that little rant about my eyelashes out of my system.
Ps: Here's a picture of what my eyelashes use to look like -

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