Hi guys, Hope all is doing well...I cant say the same for myself..As soon as I think everything is going to be ok I slowly and progressively get more and more depressed when I have to do my hair in the morning... I have been using the olux solution for over a month now and have no seen any results what so ever, not sure how long it takes to see results, but my hopes of my hair coming back are just diminished..My spots continue to get bigger and spread out more evryday, and the hair lose is profuse...I do not have that much hair left to lose and it is really scaring me..I also started the injections last week, and also see no results, but instead see my hair continue to fall out..I have a question..Is it normal for the spots to just keep getting bigger while using steroids? Also, my other question is that it obviously keeps getting bigger until its ready to stop is that correct as well? My one smaller spot is coalacing into the one big spot becoming like the size of a lemon almost, its really nerve racking...Thank you for your responses in advance..:)

Views: 78

Comment by Tallgirl on October 19, 2010 at 8:56pm
Online sites say miracle creams and shampoos claiming to grow hair have been banned since 1989: don't work. If AT or AU is to come, shots may not help, and yes, spots may get bigger. Sometimes this is bigger than both of us, all of us...bigger than drugs or shots or pills. But hey...NAAF just sent me an e-mail today that there is a research conference this Saturday to see if Diabetes gene study may lead to treatment for all...so go to www.naaf.org now and check it out!
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on October 19, 2010 at 10:06pm
I had the injections also it took a month till my hair started to grow back and only half the area had regrowth I have several spots that have no regrowth what so ever.
Comment by Diana Carter on October 19, 2010 at 11:16pm
Awe Trish, hugs hon! I went to get my hair cut today, and after sitting there waiting for an hour and a half, I decided not to have this girl do it. I am waiting on some contact info on a lady in my area that is knowledgeable about AA, and will know better what my hair needs are as well as can possibly help me later on with a wig when the time comes. My friend got her hair cut by this lady, and she really messed her hair up. All I need..I would have had to go immediately to wearing scarves daily..my friend quickly advised me, "Do NOT let this lady touch your hair!" That's when I realized, I really need to be careful who I let cut my hair at this stage with my AA. Sorry I don't really have any answers for you on your post, because I am newer at this than you, but I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. Lots of ppl are. Hang in there Trish!
Comment by Trish on October 20, 2010 at 3:49pm
Thank you Diana ditto...
Comment by Neil on October 20, 2010 at 4:42pm
I just posted a blog about my ongoing success with dietary changes. In my opinion this is a much safer and longer term solution than any medications.
Comment by Trish on October 20, 2010 at 6:09pm
Hi Neil, thanks for the information, but I truly wouldn't even know where to start seeing as I dont eat that much to begin with..lol But thank you :)

P.S. I just read your blog and am willing to try it, but like I said I dont eat that much so I have no idea!!


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