Definitive biopsy results and a good birthday gift!

Hi All, I hope everyone is doing well...So, here goes lol..I spoke to a woman last night to get my biopsy results from the pathologist report and it turns out she did not give me to much info, except for that I had scarring alopecia..I begged the women to give me more information, but was told that she was unauthorized to tell me what my result was due to her not understanding what the report said ha...Ok, so the women tells me you have to come in and speak to the dr tomorrow morning so she can explain to you what is going on, this made me so scared, depressed, and paranoid..I go to see my dr today, and while standing in her office waiting for her to tell me my hair was never gonna grow back, but to my surprise tells me that it is consistant with AA, and that there is no evidence of scarring what so ever..My hair is also in the catagen and telogen phase and ready to resume regrowth at any moment..I was so excited and just wanted to tell everyone that sometimes in life we deal with incompetent people that sometimes make us worry, but its part of life..I am happy I decided to go see my derm as she is very compassionate and explained properly..I also decided to get a round of injections in my head to see what happens along with my sage, jojoba oil, and rosemary..Hope everything works out well for not only myself, but for all of you suffering from this horrid disease..I will keep you posted :)

Views: 18

Comment by Becca on October 13, 2010 at 6:03pm
I am very excited for this news!!!!
Comment by Trish on October 13, 2010 at 6:09pm
Thank you so much Becca!!!! :) I am here for you as well!!!
Comment by soniamarry on October 13, 2010 at 7:01pm
oh my goodness!!! This is awesome news! i am so happy for you and i pray that your hair will grow and grow!!!:)
Comment by Trish on October 13, 2010 at 8:36pm
Thank you Paul..:)

Sonia, Thanks so much girlie. I am prayin for you too, and everyone else out there with this disease..:)
Comment by Kathy D. on October 14, 2010 at 8:34pm
That's fantastic Trish! Very happy for you!! I remember how I found out........the Dr. had the bedside manners of a door knob.....he said "you have Alopecia Areata and your hair will all fall out and there's nothing you can do about it" Talk about devastated! I cried for days and then searched for a new Dr.
Comment by Nerida on October 14, 2010 at 10:59pm
Thankyou for sharing your experiences Trish, you don't know how helpful it has been to me. :) I am so happy for you.
Comment by Trish on October 15, 2010 at 3:00pm
Thank you so much Nerida...Hoping your well..:)
Comment by Lori D on October 17, 2010 at 11:17pm
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Trish! I love this GOOD report! I am so happy for you! God is GOOD! I am overjoyed for you! Thanks for sharing this with all of us! I'm sitting here smiling! :oD ::BIG HUGS::


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