Hi All, I am so depressed and con not stop crying..I am so down that I can hardly write this..My first part of the results was that I do in deed have alopecia, but it is a scarring kind and that my hair will never grow back..The other part is also devastating where she told me the dr would have to tell me the rest of the report..Scared is not even the word as to what I am feeling right now..

Has anyone been told that they had scarring alopecia and the biopsy was not conclusive or had that diagnosis and had regrowth? Please someone give me some kind of hope...Thank you

Views: 15

Comment by Diana Carter on October 13, 2010 at 1:47am
Hmm. Now I am wondering if I need to have a biopsy. Wish I knew an answer for you, but I sure don't. Will be praying for you!
Comment by Trish on October 13, 2010 at 1:52am
Thank you Diana...Same here
Comment by soniamarry on October 13, 2010 at 6:57am
Awww sweetie. I will keep praying for you! Much love and hugs!
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on October 13, 2010 at 10:18am
I am here for you if you need anything.
Comment by Trish on October 13, 2010 at 4:19pm
Thank you so much Sonia...I will do the same for you

Stacy, hope your well...Thank you so much Stacy.. You are beautiful as well and my heart goes out to all of you with this disease as it is so emotionally draining..I wish I can take it all away for all of us..You are all wonderful people and so glad to have fun all of you and this website..

Kim, Thank you so much..I know that we are all going through this horrible disease, and I am here for you as well..:)
Comment by Becca on October 13, 2010 at 5:58pm

I am so sorry you are hurting. I wish I could make it all better. We all know how hard this is. There is always hope though. I don't have scaring alopecia, but I have totalis. The doctors told me I would never get my hair back. My hair came back 5 years after I lost it and It stayed for 3 years. Unfortunatly it fell out again, but there is always hope. If you need anything or just to vent I am here for you too.

Comment by Diana Carter on November 3, 2010 at 11:55pm
I was just thinking...wonder what your doctor would say to see how much re-growth you are having? Seems the biopsy wasn't very accurate, or something. Hope you had a good day today!
Comment by Trish on November 4, 2010 at 12:49pm
Lol Diana, If you read my other blog on definitive biopsy resluts you will see that the nurse that told me this had no idea what she was talking about..Thank god for that..Hope your well hun...


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