Past pet stories and other tells

I have 3 cats, Gray claire and there son Chaos.
I also have 2 dogs Gizmo and bandit.
I also have 3 young men and have been married and have had boyfriends.
Oh I have a Beta also. His name is Twilight.

From time to time I will add stories of them.
Chaos is now 3. He sleeps with me nightly. Gray did for years but is 11 and prefers his own room. He has it at the end of my bed on the floor. It has 3 rooms in it. Two that are mesh.
Claire sleeps where she wants she is a true cat. And knows she is a cat.
"I can not say that about my others."
They act as cats or human most days. This includes the two dogs.
Gizmo is a peekingese Bandit is a Shih tzu. Umm yeah. That is there breed but they are confused. So are two cats.

Chaos at 8 weeks old would sleep with me most nights.
I was watching tv in bed and he at my side. I had my long wig on and fell a sleep.
I woke at 4am with no wig? i looked left on my pillow. No wig.
I sat up to find my wig at the end of the bed.
Moving!!! For a split second forgetting I had a kitten sleeping with me.
I focused my eyes and seen my wig moving from side to side. No black kitten to be seen.
I yelled Chaos give me back my hair.
He pokes his nose out from under a curl.
And what does he do?
Takes off the bed towards the hall to the kitchen.
I leap up and try to catch him to no avail.
He jumps on top of the kitchen table with my wig. His head only out enough for a eye , nose and long black tail.
He runs left he runs right. I try to catch him as he leaps for the hall.
Gizmo thinks wow what a fun game.
He grabs a curl and off comes my wig from Chaos. What does he do as i grab for it. Jumps to the chair to the top of the kitchen table and sits his butt on it with a curl in his mouth.
Grrrrr. This is a new wig. Funny but costly.
I take it put the dog on the floor. Look at chaos and all the others now. Because it has become the greatest show on earth for them.
I scoulded them all and took my wig and place it ontop of the entertainment center that is 7 foot tall.
Said Fine if any of you can get it, it is yours.
"yawning back to bed I go."

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