So I went out on Saturday night with some girlfriends. We had dinner and then went to go see a band we like. I'm having a good time minding my own business following my friend through the crowd to the dance floor when someone pulled my hair. (By the way I wear a wig) This was no accident, it was obvious someone grabbed a handful and jerked my head backwards. I immediately turn around to two guys standing behind me and asked, "Who did that and what is your @#*%ing problem?" They are both laughing and the one guy said, "Oh, he was reaching for you and I knocked his hand down." I replied with, "That's bull#@*% and don't ever touch me." I totally am not thinking that this is remotely related to my alopecia. I assume these are just two of your average arrogant jerks at a bar. Then one of the guys says to me, "Oh chilli out hun. We know it's fake." I didn't think it was anything top secret but who says that to someone? Once I heard that comment I realized that the reason he pulled my hair was that he was trying to pull my wig off my head. I guess to get a good laugh, embarrass me, not sure. I don't take well to being bullied, esspecially at 28 years of age. I went crazy basically and went off on this guy. I was trying to make an effort to stick up for myself but I'm pretty sure all I did was embarrass myself more. I ended up just leaving before I did something stupid or drew anymore attention to the situation. I have a very supportive family and group of friends and they all said they were sorry that happened to me but, I don't know, they just don't get.
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