might sound silly, but the only time i don't feel affected by this horrible thing, is when i have my hands in the dirt planting something......or when i am talking to my sons' fish in the pond while i am feeding them(a chore which i usually dread because when he goes out of town, i take over animal chores) .......or scooping crap from the 4 litter boxes from the 7 cats his deceased father left him........or walking my grand dog, who cares little whether i have on eyebrows or a wig. even tending to my houseplants ( i think i have over 30, including a half dozen blooming african violets). They aren't rude nor judgemental. they dont ask me if i am sick. they dont talk amonst themselves about what the heck is going on with their keeper. am i the only one who finds solice in the non-human world????????

Views: 4

Comment by brenda kay on May 21, 2009 at 10:26pm
i guess i retreat to the non-human world because i don't have to talk about my condition to my vegetable garden. today at work i had to explain to a dear client(i am a hairdresser, remember) why i had on a wig. i am honest about it. she was just diagnosed with Lupus. as she left, she hugged me and with tears in her eyes said she was so sorry. I AM NOT DYING. I am sorry for HER... she has lupus and is blown up on steroids. i wish i wasn't the type to have to explain things but that is just how i am. the plycostomus in the fish tank doesnt need an explanation.......haha thanks gals bk
Comment by Joshua on May 21, 2009 at 10:32pm

YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY NOT THE ONLY ONE! I find comfort in animals too, and this could the major reason that have led me to choose my current study and future career. You can only imagine that I have a dog, a cat, some fishes, a hamster, a rabbit, a chicken and two turtles and a "stray" cat...at home or at my uni residence. I love plants too, only it is one of the top hobbies, I prefer forests/ jungles where I enjoy trekking. The only time, I find my pets being "rude" is when they starting begging for food even right after their proper meal...lol...and when my dog's dirty paw print (after a run in the garden) on my white shirts...or when my chicken trying to steal my dog's meal, or when my dog start playing roughly with my rabbit...despite all of it...animals are wonderful creatures of God.

Take care
Comment by brenda kay on May 22, 2009 at 9:09am
Joshua, you put a smile on my face after an exasperating attempt to restart the pump on my son's fish pond of which i am pond sitting. got the sucker started thank God, cause i am off and running to work after i write. sounds like you are on a farm!!!!! i love counry life. my son bought a small farm out in rural Mendota, il and i seek retreat out there except it is sooooo windy....have to hold onto my wig at all times!!!!! hahahahaha. may you and your flock/herd have a glorious day!!!!! bk


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