Please keep the entire city of Nashville, TN in your prayers AW family!

Just in case you missed it on the news, the city of Nashville, TN was devastated by the flooding of the Cumberland River this past weekend. While my family and I were fortunate to have remained dry and safe, there are countless people here who have had their lives and livelihoods destroyed by the waters. Just to put it in the proper perspective, the Cumberland River -- as it flows through Nashville -- is considered to be at flood stage at 40 ft. As of yesterday, the river crested at 52 feet and is very slowly receding. We are expected to remain at flood stage into next week, and more rain is expected through the weekend.

For my alopecian family in Tennessee, it's going to be a long, tough road ahead of us, but like the proverbial phoenix we will rise from the ashes and make our home great once again! If you are in Nashville, Tide's Loads of Hope campaign will be bringing trucks for flood victims to have their clothing washed, dried, and folded at no cost on Wednesday, May 12. Also, if you need FEMA assistance (YES, TENNESSEE HAS BEEN DECLARED A FEDERAL DISASTER AREA BY PRESIDENT OBAMA), please contact FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA or visit the FEMA website to apply for federal aid in rebuilding.

I give major props to Anderson Cooper for admitting that as a member or the national media, he dropped the ball on giving Nashville and the floods here the attention it deserved. I also like that he isn't just limiting his coverage to Bellevue and Franklin either -- CNN was out in North Nashville today! Please remember Tide's Loads of Hope will be in Nashville 5/12 and flood victims call 1-800-621-FEMA, to apply for Federal Aid!

Thanks to all my Alopecia World family that has kept up with my postings and updates on my family and the flood status on my Facebook page. Your love and support is greatly appreciated!!!

***if my blog happens to become a featured post on the Alopecia World homepage, please keep it featured for at least a week -- this is information that needs to get out!!!***

Views: 1

Comment by Tony on May 7, 2010 at 12:16pm
Glad to hear that you are safe. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and everyone in the flood areas.


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